Sign of life

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~ the next day ~
Rowan's pov
I woke up from my hand being very sore from the handcuffs "Ricky.." I whined slightly "hm..?" He said in his sleepy voice. Damn it he's sleepy voice gets me each time "you move a lot in your sleep and it hurts my hand.." I flinched as the pain felt worse. "Shit I'm so sorry, this is all Chris' fault but maybe this will help us get out more and be with each other." Ricky said while pressing his lip's against my forehead. His cold lip piercings gave me chills "you're right maybe it will be fun."

"Hey come on let's get ready and we will just spend the day together, how does that sound?" Ricky asked. "Sounds fun!" I say with a smile "but the only problem is I need a shower.." I say nervously "me too.. maybe we can just take a shower together but have our clothes on so it's not weird or anything.." Ricky said while his face turned slightly red. "Sure why not, but if you do anything you're sleeping on the couch" I say with a small laugh "that means you'll also sleep on the couch we're handcuffed together remember?" He said.

"You're right.." I sighed while getting up "come on Ricky we have a shower to catch!" I say and Ricky whined "5 more minutes?" He asked. "Ricky come onnn" I whined and he got up "you're lucky I'm handcuffed to you" he said with a small smirk "oh hushhhh" I say with a small laugh. We walked inside the bathroom and I turned on the water "now Ricky don't get any strange ideas got it?" I ask while laughing slightly, Ricky put his hands up in defense "only if you don't get any strange ideas!" He said with a smirk. This man is something else but I love him.

I stepped inside the shower and Ricky followed me inside he gave me a strange look and lifted up my shirt up slightly "do you really need this on?" He asked. I felt my face heat up slightly "Ricky!" I say while slapping his hand away from my shirt "come on I've seen you in your bra before remember?" He says. "Fine but only if you take yours off deal?" I say and he nodded with a smile.

Ricky helped me take off my shirt and I helped him take off his, his skin was glowing while mine had healed up scars everywhere. "Look at me" Ricky said "never" I say in a joking way "then I'll force you" he says while lifting my chin up to look at him. "I know you're worried about these scars but I promise you you're still very beautiful to me nothing will change my mind." He says and I nod.

Chris' pov
I heard the shower go off and that's when I knew that Ricky and Rowan were taking a shower "oooo someone is getting freaky in the shower!" I say and the guys came rushing to me. "What's going on Chris??" Ryan asked "the lovers are in the shower" I say with a small smirk "so your plan to get them together is working?" Josh asked. "I hope so, but they're being so difficult!" I say in defeat "eventually they'll figure out that they're perfect for each other" Ryan says.

"Let's mess with them a little bit!" I say while grabbing a bowl and filling it up with very cold water. "What's your plan?" Angelo asks "I'm gonna dump this cold ass water on them that's my plan" I say with a smirk. "Oooo let me do it!" Angelo says "um no this was my plan!" I say while walking away with the cold water. "Unfair!" Angelo shouted and I laughed slightly, I opened the bathroom door slowly and walked inside.

I walked towards the shower thank god I'm tall enough so I don't have to step on anything. I dumped the very cold water on Ricky and Rowan and turned their shower onto the cold setting. "Chris!" Ricky shouted and I ran out of the bathroom while laughing I'm definitely going to get my ass kicked later but that's okay.

Ricky's pov
"Ricky.." Rowan whined slightly while hugging me tightly "it's cold.. can we get out now?" She asked. "Yes let's go" I say while turning off the water and stepping out of it "how are we going to get dressed?" Rowan asked nervously "how about we just don't look at each other while we change?" I asked and she nodded. We walked inside my bedroom and started looking for clothes to wear, Rowan ended up stealing my motionless in white hoodie and some grey sweatpants so I decided to match her.

Somehow I managed to change very quickly while Rowan was struggling to get the hoodie over her head. "Rickyyy I need help.." she said nervously "hmm what do I get out of it?" I say in a joking way "you get to spend the day with me?" She says. "Good enough" I say with a smile and helped her pull the hoodie over her head "ready to go?" I asked and she nodded "let's go!" She said. We walked outside and decided to walk since it would be easier for the both of us.

"Ricky.. Leo isn't home right now and I kinda need my own clothing so do you think we can stop by and pick my clothes up..?" Rowan asked anxiously. "Sure we can but I will miss seeing you in my clothes" I say with a small frown "don't worry I'll still be stealing your clothes half the time" she said with a smile. "Good" I say while we started walking to her appointment it seems pretty big on the outside but how will it be on the inside. We walked inside of Rowan's apartment and it was pretty big but messy "woah what happened in here?" I asked with a small laugh.

"I think Leo took it pretty hard after I decided to leave him, i promise this apartment used to be clean.." Rowan said nervously "I'm just glad you're safe now" I say while pulling her into a side hug. "Me too now let's get my clothes." She says while grabbing a bag and looking for clothes to take "here let me help" I say while grabbing another bag. We spent a good hour packing up most of her clothes surprisingly she has a lot of band merch that motionless put out but other clothing was pretty and sexy. What does this women have planned should I be scared?

"Ready to go?" I asked and she nodded "let's go before Leo decides to come back!" Rowan said and we walked outside of the apartment. "Soooo what next?" She asks "how about I take you out for ice cream?" I say with a smile "yes! That sounds good!" She says with a smile. We walked to a small ice cream shop around the corner "what kind of ice cream do you want?" I asked "ooo Oreo!" She says with a smile "copy cat!" I say with a laugh. "Hey it's not my fault that we like the same things" she laughs "damn you!"

I ordered myself and Rowan and Oreo ice cream "Ricky can I tell you something?" Rowan asks "anything" I say. "You have made me feel so safe for the past two weeks and I'm so grateful for all you're help it really means a lot to me so thank you." She says. "You don't have to thank me, I'm glad that you're here with me I wouldn't want it to be anyone else." I say while putting some ice cream on her nose. "Rickyyy" she whined "oops!" I laughed "so meannn" she laughed "you love me though" I say with a smile.

"That is true but you're still mean!" She says "ohhh you do love me??" I say "isn't it obvious?" She asked. I started to think a little bit about the times we have spent together "I don't know how I didn't notice it before" I say while pulling her close to me. I looked into her beautiful bright blue eyes "Ricky.." she says "shhh.." I say while leaning down to her lips. I kissed her lips gently and she kissed me back her lips were so soft I didn't know I needed her so much until now.

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now