Who are you?

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~ a few days later ~
Rowan's pov
I woke up in an empty bed it's strange without Ricky here my eyes started to water Ricky didn't deserve any of the shit that has happened.  This is all my fault why did I get him involved with any of this. "Row can I come in..?" Chris asked "no.." I say in a sad tone. "Well that's too bad im coming in anyway" Chris said while opening the door. "Chris please I want to be alone.." I cried.

"Row.. I know that you're blaming yourself for this but I promise you it's not your fault. Ricky loves you a lot you should've seen him when he saw you again at the concert." Chris said.  I patted a spot next to me "what did he say or do??" I asked and he sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me for comfort. "You see when he noticed that Leo wasn't treating you right the night before he promised himself that he'll do anything to protect you even if you weren't his. He wanted to make sure that you make it out alive. The other night when you guys got back home from your date he knew something wasn't right he wanted me to promise him that I'll protect you if something happened to him. He knew the risks but wanted you to be safe he truly loves you."

I started to cry more "I hope he'll be okay.." I say and Chris held me closer to him "he'll be okay, Ricky knows to fight this shit he's stronger than anyone I know." Chris said and I nodded slowly.

Leo's pov
It's finally done Ricky is out of the picture now, now I have to figure out how to get Rowan back "LEO GET ON YOUR KNEES RIGHT NOW!" An officer told me. I sighed and started running away from the cops this isn't the first time this has happened but the cops seemed to be faster than me this time. One of them jumped on me and put my hands behind my back "You're under a rest for attempted murder of Ricky Olson!"

My eyes widen "wait so Ricky isn't dead?!" I shouted "he's recovering from surgery, and you're going away for a long time buddy" he said and I rolled my eyes. I can just escape again it wouldn't be the first time I've done it and how the fuck did Ricky survive from the gun shot.

Ryan's pov
I got a call from the hospital "hello is this Ryan?" The doctor asked "hi! Yes this is Ryan" I say anxiously. "Ricky is now recovering from surgery, he will be okay! If you and your friends or whoever are more than welcome to visit. But just a warning we don't know if he remembers anything or anyone so you will need to help him." The doctor said and I took a deep breath "okay thank you, we will be there shortly.." I say before hanging up the phone.

I went over to Ricky's room and knocked on the door "come in" Chris whispered. I entered the room and noticed a sleeping Rowan on Chris' shoulder "I finally got her to sleep after a few hours" Chris said quietly and I nodded "well I have some good news, Ricky is okay and is recovering from surgery" I say and remembered the bad news. "But there's also some bad news.." I say and Chris' eyes widen "what's the bad news..." he asked "well.. the doctor said there's a chance that he won't remember some stuff.."

Chris frowned "we will help him out throughout this situation.. Ricky will remember even if we have to force him to. We will make him remember everything.." I nodded and started to think a little bit. "Chris.. what if he forgets row.. she will be a mess.." I say with a frown. "We will make him remember her we are not going to give up on him, Ricky is family to all of us.." he said.

Chris pov
I started to think about the situation a little more "hey row I know we just got you to sleep but we can visit Ricky" I say and Rowan lifted her head up from my shoulder. "When can we see him..?" She asked in her sleepy voice "we can go now if you like" I say and she nodded "you might want to change out of that outfit you've been in it for the past few days" I say and she shoke her head no. "I can't bring myself to do it.. it still smells like Ricky.." she said in a sad voice.

"I'm sorry.. let's go.." I say in a sadish tone, all of us walked to my car and I started to drive us to the hospital it's a long drive so hopefully it will be alright. After 15 minutes we arrived at the hospital of course Rowan was anxious as fuck "hey kiddo listen it will be okay,Ricky is okay he's a strong man" I say in a comfort tone "okay.." she said quietly. We walked inside the hospital "hello were here to see Ricky Olson.." I say anxiously "right this way but he has not waken up yet. Hopefully he will soon since you guys will be here with him." The doctor said and I nodded.

We walked into Ricky's room the first thing that I noticed was his skin very pale oh god poor Ricky.. he'll fight through this I know he will..

Rowan's pov
Once I saw Ricky my eyes started to tear up once again. I put Ricky through so much shit this is all my fault I won't forgive myself for this.. "Row..?" Chris said while putting a arm on my shoulder. "Sorry.." I say in a quiet voice "just remember what I told you, Ricky will be okay.." he said and I nodded. I walked over to the empty seat right next to Ricky "I'm so sorry this has happened to you Ricky.. I hope you'll forgive me for all the things I put you through.." I say while placing my hand on top of his.

Chris pulled a chair next to me and wrapped a arm around me. A few moments later the news came on with something urgent "breaking news Leo Addams has been arrested for attempted murder. He won't he a problem to anyone for a long time be safe Scranton" the news reporter said. I felt a lot of weight leave "thank god!" I say happily "it's finally over Ricky.." Chris said.

~ 1 hour later ~

It's been quite for awhile now until Chris decided to break the science "I think it's time to head home now" he said and I froze in place. "I can't leave.." I say quietly "Rowan we need to go" Ryan said and I crossed my arms. "I'm not leaving him again I can't.." I say while the tears started to rush down my face "fine Rowan but we will be back to check in on you in a few days" Chris said.

I was now alone with my thoughts Ricky has not waken up yet and I'm starting to get worried what if he doesn't come back. I won't be able to handle another death, I can't lose him too "Ricky please wake up soon.." I say quietly.

~ a few days later ~
Ricky's pov
I guess it's time to wake up from whatever the fuck this is but it was nice to sleep for awhile. I slowly woke up and felt the bright lights burn my eyes i hissed quietly to the pain. I can't remember what the fuck has happened to me maybe Chris will know or even Ryan. Something felt missing or taken away from me but I can't figure out what disappeared "holy shit Olson is up!" Chris said and rushed over to me.

"Chris what the fuck happened?" I asked and he sighed in relief "you saved your girlfriend's life, you got shot by Rowan's ex Leo" he said. My mind went blank I have a girlfriend? No I would've remembered that right? "Ricky..?" I hear a soft woman's voice say. "Yes?" I asked slightly confused there was no answer but a tight hug "thank god you're okay.." she said.

"I think I'm okay.." I say, I can't figure out who this person is but she's really beautiful is she my girlfriend. No no that's not right I would've remembered if she was she doesn't seem familiar to me. The only thing that felt somewhat familiar was the spark I had with someone before this mind game is killing me. Chris gave me a worried look like he knew that I didn't remember her, is she someone special to me or the others?

I'm going to feel bad about asking this but I need to know who this mysterious woman is. I moved away from the hug and looked into her sad blue eyes oh fuck she's beautiful. This is going to hurt her isn't it? I don't want to hurt her she looks so lost and broken right now was this my fault?

"I'm so sorry to ask this but who are you?"

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now