Ryder and Parker

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I turn over feeling my heavy eyes open but am immediately blinded by the sunlight shining through my window. Everything of last night comes back to me all at once and I immediately get up and look out my window hoping to see Dante sleeping in his room.

But he's not there nothing has been moved around his bed is still perfectly made and nothing's out of place. "Damn it" I mutter hitting the wall, I grab my phone and check for any messages but there's nothing, "Damn it," I say again and throw my phone on my bed frustrated. "Where are you Dante" I whisper to myself "Ugh I need a shower" I groan grabbing some clothes and throwing myself in the shower. I do my regular routine and get out of the bathroom and go downstairs to greet my mom.

"Hey sweetie" she smiles pouring herself some coffee "Hey mom has Amy heard anything from Dante" I ask "Ah getting straight to the point I see" she says "No she hasn't. I am going to the station with her right now, would you mind watching Ryder and Parker while we go down there" she asks and I nod "Yeah sure no problem I'm just going to go grab my phone" I say and run upstairs. I grab my phone and rush back downstairs to go outside with my mom "Now Amy just told them so they're still upset. Maybe try to distract them today" my mom says and I nod.

"Okay I will" I nod determined. We get to the house and knock on the door, Ryder opens it and his eyes are red and he looks just distraught. "Hey Ryder I'm here to watch you guys," I say and he gives me a small smile "Hello Adenna and Miss Rose please come in," he says moving out of the way. "Hey Ryder where's your brother," I ask and he leads the way to the living room. I walk in and see Parker crying curled up in a little ball "Hey Parker" I slowly approach him "Hi Adenna are you here to watch us" he whispers "Yes I am" I say wrapping my arm around him.

"Come here," I say motioning to Ryder he sits beside me and I wrap my arms around both of them as the softly cry. "It's okay guys. Your mom has to file this report so if anybody has seen Dante they can tell the police and we can get him home faster" I say and they both look up at me "So t...the more people we ask the more likely he'll come home" Parker asks "Well not exactly. But it does spread awareness and more people would be keeping an eye out for him" I say and they both look hopeful "Ryder, Parker I'm leaving now" Amy says from the front they both get up and rush to her giving her a big hug.

"Okay mom love you" they say and slowly let her go. Amy and my mom leave and Ryder and Parker have stopped crying, "Hey do you guys want to see something cool" I ask and they both nod "Okay then I want you both to go put your shoes on" I say and they both rush upstairs. Ryder and Parker are both really sweet kids they both just started middle school they're twins but not a lot of people guess that since Ryder has brown hair from his mom and Parker has Blonde hair from his dad. Their dad died a couple of years ago and it hit them pretty hard that might be why they're so worried about Dante.

"OH AND BRING YOUR SKATEBOARDS" I yell "OKAY" they both yell back. A minute later they come rushing from downstairs with their skateboards, "Now come on you two I want to show you something really cool" I smile and they both nod and follow me. We get in my car and I start driving a few minutes past my school, I park in a mall parking lot. "Okay come on," I say getting out of the car and grabbing my skateboard from the trunk.

"A mall?" Ryder asks "Hmm oh no, where we're going has no parking so I always use here" I smile and they look at each other confused. "Come on you two," I say walking down the street to the little forest "The forest" Parker questions confused "Trust me," I say and they nod and follow me. We walk about three minutes and I stop in front of the old abandoned skate park "Woah" they say amazed "How did you know this was here" Parker asks "When we were in middle school me and Dante would come here and skate because the highschoolers took over the one close to us" I say and the look at each other surprised.

"Well come on let's skate" I smile hopping on my bored and going down the ramp. We skated and had fun for hours I kept checking my phone just in case but I made sure the boys were distracted and having fun. They both skate up to me and sit down on the old bench that is there "Hey Adenna can we ask you a question" Ryder asks and I nod "Me and Parker are really sad by this so how are you keeping everything together I mean after all aren't you Dante's girlfriend" Ryder asks and I look at him surprised. "what makes you think I'm Dante's girlfriend" I ask.

"Well he always talks about how he loves you, and that he'd do anything to protect you with mom and so we just assumed you two were together" Parker says and I nod "Oh. Well, I guess me and Dante haven't had that talk yet but yeah I guess I am his girlfriend. But the only reason I'm not freaking out is because I know Dante and I know that no matter where he is. He's using that big brain of his thinking about how to get back to us. He's a fighter and always finds his way back to the things he cares about" I smile "You know I'm glad you two got together" Ryder smiles and I nod and pat both of their heads.

After we were done skating I took the boys home and we all went our separate ways.

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