Everyone Searching

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"Let's get an early start on this, boys!" Yelled ranger Renalds as he pulled on his thick gloves.

His search team consisted of six young men, including himself, he liked to say, who all woke up even before the sun had risen to get a whole day of looking in.
They had gone to bed barely four hours ago, nearing one in the morning, when they decided they would do a fifteen-hour day today. It would allow more time out in the Forrest, searching further than most could, and so they would need plenty of supplies.

"Who has our first aid kit?" He shouted.

"I do, sir!" Replied a very confident but obviously tired voice.

"Good. Do you also have the spare in case we find them injured?"

"Yes sir, I do".

He was even surprised to see Henry walk in and get settled at the computers. After the man had been assigned to scour the internet instead of searching, he'd taken the job incredibly seriously, and Renalds was actually quite proud of the newest recruit.
It was all going very well so far until he realised they were one idiot short.

"Where's Miller?" He asked the group, but apparently, none of them noticed as they raised their brows and looked between them.

Renalds huffed and threw his coat on, stomping out the door and across the road to the temporary sleeping quarters that had been set up for searchers.

A good half of the beds were already empty, not only from his group, but it looked like others had the same idea to look all day.
And there, in the middle of the room, lay a lump on a mattress. If there weren't people sleeping, he would knock that lump right off the bed. Instead, he had to settle on yanking his pillow away and whisper yelling his name.

"For gods sake Miller! How are you still sleeping? Me and the boys are ready to go!"

The man who must have been Miller quickly took an intake of air as he was shot awake.

"What? Huh?" He questioned, looking around until his eyes landed on his boss, and he instantly knew he'd overslept.
He was always doing this, always oversleeping no matter what time he had to get up. The other boys could have at least kicked his bed or something. Although, this was probably payback for throwing a bucket of water over their heads a few weeks ago. How naive of him to think they'd forgotten.

"You've got 2 minutes!"

Miller jumped out of the bed and grabbed his thermals, coat, gloves and boots before hopping to put it all on as he left. The other boys were standing outside sniggering as they saw him struggling to put his coat on.

"Still sleeping?" One of them asks, getting a glare in return.

They were all friends, so they weren't being mean, but Miller wasn't very happy at the moment, being woken up with so little sleep and basically dragged out into the cold. He didn't even get time to go for a wee, so he hoped he could hold it. Taking off all this gear would take five minutes alone.

Once they'd got over it and boots had been tied, they began their walk into the Forrest, sticking to the trails to start with.

"Come on, you know I oversleep, you couldn't have hit me with a pillow or something?" Miller turned to another ranger who smiled.

"I'm sorry sweet, but you did throw water over me too".

"Oh no! I've forgotten my hat! I'm going to freeze, Renalds is going to be so mad, I'll have to go back".

Before he could panic any further, the other man pulled something out of his pocket.

"Relax, Mills, I knew you'd forget it, here".

To the end of the line - stuckyWhere stories live. Discover now