Mounting Pressure

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"Why are we putting two terrorists in a room together?" Clint questioned as he looked through the window into the new interrogation room.

"Because they won't speak separately, maybe they'll say something to each other, and we can overhear", said Tony. "And sit back down, you're not meant to be out the wheelchair yet".

With a sigh, Clint walked to the end of the room and sat back in the chair, a little harder than he meant to.

"I don't think they're going to say anything, they aren't stupid".

"Yea, I know", Tony sighed.

"I think we'll be able to crack Nathan", said SamSam as he strode into the room with Wanda following behind.

"It sounds like he was really close with his family until a decade or so ago. Both men changed ten years ago, and I think that's where we can connect them. We just need to find what happened".

"Aright", Tony nodded. "Wanda and Sam, you look through the boxes you got from Miss Stuart, and the rest of us look into Walter. He's hidden his past quite well".

They walked through hallways under construction and covered in clear plastic sheets to get to the new section of the floor. The hole in the side of the building was still there, but the floor had been fixed, and new areas had been made.

They ended up in a room where a large table had been covered in scattered papers and seemingly random dates. Wanda and SamSam understood them, though, as they had been working nonstop since the two men had been recaptured.
The dates were the starting of a timeline on Nathan Stuart, and they would use this to find any missing information.

They carried on, and the other team started with the very little information they had on Walter King.

"We know he went to a school in Massachusetts, I say we start searching the school records", said Tony.

"Can we get them?"

Tony gave them a funny look that clearly said, 'do you know who I am?' He then pulled out a tablet and joined the screen so they could see what he was doing.

"We aren't asking for permission. We'll ask for forgiveness after".

Normally they might have questioned the logic of breaking into school files, but they all needed to find something and keep the case moving. Tensions were running high, and seeing as it was day twelve since the crash, they would do anything possible and, instead, hope to rectify it later.
At this point, though, Tony would take all the blame if he needed to.

"Guys?" Shouted Wanda from across the table. "Didn't Walter go to Canada for a while?"

Tony and Clint started looking through papers, but Bruce answered first.

"Yea, three years, why?"

"Where exactly in Canada?"

"North—East of Saskatchewan, I think it was".

"It was", Tony confirmed after finally finding the ticket copy.

Wanda held up a similar copy from Nathan's bits of paper.

"Nathan went to the same area for eighteen months. Around the same time Walter was there. His mum said he went on a work trip and wasn't the same when he got back".

"What are the odds two men go to the same place in Canada for long periods of time and come back completely different", grinned Clint.

"Not to mention completely average at their jobs", added Nat.

Tony got up his specialised database on his tablet.

"Okay, give me parameters to search for. I've got that place in Canada, job changes or alterations on return, average job performance. What else do they have in common?"

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