Bucky's Very Own Greek God

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It was morning in the tower, and everyone had started snapping at each other in stress. The organised mess of files was now just a mess of papers and unintelligible notes that meant nothing. They were getting nowhere in finding out who was also looking for the men. The only reason they had information on the last mission was from an anonymous tip, which at this point, seemed sketchy.
This group of terrorists were still out there, and they even had one in the building! But it didn't make a difference. There was no pattern to their behaviour, and as far as they knew, they had no name. And it didn't help that the only news from the agents over in Canada had been, 'no sight of them or the jet'.

"There is nothing in here that can help us!" Sam shouted and threw a stack of papers to the table.
"There is nothing! We have no leads whatsoever! It's like they just don't exist!"

The others sat around the room in defeat and silently agreed. They didn't want to say it out loud, but they were out of ideas. Nat's next plan was to commandeer a jet and go looking for them herself. It would be pointless because they already have hundreds of thousands of people doing that anyway, but it was better than being useless here. She expected all the others would come with her.

Once again, the news channel on TV caught their attention. The background showed a photo of the three at the shop yesterday, looking at snacks. It was blurry, but even the bad quality couldn't hide how bad they all looked. They hadn't noticed the pale faces and dark bags circling their eyes. Or the clothes they'd barely changed in three days.

"Yesterday, three of the avengers had been spotted in the local grocery store. This would be the first sighting of them since the accident. Has something happened that they haven't told us about? Are they already getting back to their normal lives?"

Maria shut the tv off and glared at it. The others didn't know if they were more angry or upset. Except for Bruce, he was most definitely angry.

"What's wrong with these people?!" He shouted, his usual calm persona now disappearing.
"How can they say these things!"

"It's the media, they say anything they can to rile people up and get attention", Maria pointed out.

Bruce heaved in breaths and paced the room.

"They're idiots. Try not to go green, Bruce", said Wanda as she noticed a slight tinge to his skin.

Bruce pushed the palms of his hands into his eyes and tried to focus on something else, but he just seemed to get angrier.
He grunted and quickly walked out the door before he could go full hulk and hurt anyone. They had to leave him to calm down and hope everything would be okay.

"Tony could at least be here", Sam hissed.
"We should be working together to do whatever we can".

"Yea, well, he's moped off upstairs, we don't need him", Nat sounded bitter.

"That's the thing", shouted Sam. "We DO need him! He could probably create something that would help us to display all this information and make connections we can't see! But he isn't here, and it's been four days!"

No one had an answer to that because, of course, Tony would be helpful right now. But he wouldn't be helpful if he just sat around feeling sorry for himself or drinking too much and getting in the way.

"I've given him a copy of everything we have here, so hopefully, he's working on it too", said Maria halfheartedly.

"Yea, if he isn't too drunk to read it", Sam replied.


Steve had been fidgeting for roughly the last hour but hadn't woken up yet. Bucky thought he might have been uncomfortable on the floor, so tried to help in any way he could, including letting the man practically lay on him. But something still seemed to be bothering Steve.

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