How To The End Of The Line Should be

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It was early the next morning and the team sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking quietly. After weeks of disrupted sleep and missed nights altogether, they had themselves stuck in this gruelling routine of being up way before any of them wanted to be. 
They held their cups close and blew the steam off the top when they heard shuffling and occasional heavy footsteps from the hall.

With strange glances at each other, they looked to the door as Steve and Bucky basically ran in, giggling between them.

"We're going out!" Declared Bucky.

It wasn't until then that everyone noticed they were fully dressed in warm clothes and shoes tied.
Bucky carefully took his arm from around Steve's shoulders and bent down to zip up the blonde's coat as Steve took off one of his two scarves and placed it around Bucky's neck.

The two men looked absolutely giddy as they finished getting ready and began walking out the door.

"Um, wait", said Bruce in a bit of a shocked tone.

He hadn't expected them to want to go out ever, let alone days after they'd both woken up.

"If you're going, Steve will need those crutches over there. You need to practice walking but just small distances to start".

Bucky ran to the area Bruce pointed to and found the type of crutches that rest under your armpit and gave them to Steve.
They must have been excited to go wherever it was they were going because no one heard any complaints about having to use them.

They were about to leave again when, this time, Wanda spoke up and stopped them.

"Um, neither of you has had haircuts yet. Steve, yours is knotted, and Bucky.... It's sticking in all different directions".

The others chuckled at the makeshift haircut that still hadn't been fixed. They would have cut both heads when they were unconscious, but they thought it was best to wait until the men decided how they wanted it.

"Well, it's a good job", said Bucky as he started rummaging through his pockets before pulling out two items. "We have hats!"

He said it so happily as he placed one messily over Steve's head and the other on his own.

"See! All ready to go! We'll be back soon".

"Message if you need anything!" Tony shouted after them.

And with that, they left in a hurry, quickly out of sight, and everyone else still very much tired and confused.

"Does anyone know where they're going?" Asked Wanda to a room of equally confused faces.

"No", said Tony. "But their phones have a tracker, so it's fine".

The toaster popped, and Clint got up to butter his toast and sat back down to eat whilst no one else moved.

"Why are they so happy suddenly?" Nat asked, genuinely unable to tell after the horrific things they'd been through.

"Maybe they finally realised they're back home and safe?" questioned Clint.

"Maybe", said Sam. "Maybe they're finally starting to process it. Neither of them would say much about it until yesterday evening. Maybe they talked to each other too. Either way, I think they're just healing. And we'll be there for them if they fall again".

"Yes, we will", everyone agreed.

After a while, Clint stood up, shaking the crumbs from his lap.

"Right, I'm off. Should probably head home now".

He put a plate in the sink and heard chuckles and good lucks from the others.

"Come one, Stevie, I'm driving", Bucky jumped up and down as he opened the passenger door and helped Steve get in.

To the end of the line - stuckyWhere stories live. Discover now