Bad... Dreams?

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"No, Buck! Sit back down!" Steve shouts for what seems like the millionth time that day despite it not even being the afternoon yet.

"Uhhhh", Bucky groaned back. "I'm completely fine! You're the one that needs to sit down".

They had been arguing on and off all morning as Bucky kept trying to get up for more wood or organising their things. But Steve wouldn't let him.
Bucky still had the cut on his head, and it still bled every so often despite already showing small signs of healing.

"No! Sit back down!" Steve tried again, coughing as he said it.

His cheeks were slightly pink today, and he might have been ever hotter than yesterday, but neither of them spoke of it.
Bucky had obviously noticed, but with Steve's clear bad mood since they woke up, it wouldn't do them any good to point it out.

"But I need to put more wood on the fire".

"You put more on like an hour ago! Get back into the sleeping bag, or I'm gonna kill you!", Steve shouted.

With wide eyes and a sassy shake of the head, Bucky grudgingly climbed back in.

"I'd like to see you try", he mumbled under his breath.
Steve responded by pressing just slightly on Bucky's head and made him hiss in pain.

"Ah! What was that for?"

"So you don't get any ideas about leaving because I will hurt you!"

Bucky lay back with a grumble and stared at the ceiling in silence.
He kept glancing over at Steve, moving closer every so often until Steve sighed and opened his arm for him to lean into.
Bucky accepted with a smile and placed his head on The others bicep. Steve seemed to ignore him for a while until he leaned over and picked up a cold bottle of water. He took the bandage off Bucky's head and held the bottle over the cut, trying to help the redness go away.
Bucky just grinned to himself before looking up at Steve with a quirked brow.

"You wouldn't hurt me", he teased.

Hiding a smile, Steve responded, "you shouldn't risk it".

Bucky ended up tracing patterns along Steve's collarbone until he lulled himself to sleep.

He awoke to small sighs and whimpers in his ear. For some reason, he didn't wake up straight away as the noises buried themselves into his dreams. He stayed that way, half awake and half asleep until Steve shifted next to him.
He peeked over to make sure the man wasn't having a bad dream, but was shocked when he saw flushed cheeks and Steve's mouth partly open. He groaned, and Bucky snapped out of it, nearly bursting out laughing. He was definitely having a nice dream. He couldn't wait to point this out and use it against him when they have arguments about it. Steve always acts as if he's so innocent when Bucky asks about it. But not anymore!

Steve whimpered again, and Bucky immediately forgot about teasing him and just stared.
Steve kept moving his head side to side and raising his chin into the air.

Bucky thought this was getting a bit weird the longer he stared, and when Steve sighed and bit his lip Bucky knew it was most certainly weird. But he didn't move. He couldn't.
He watched the mans parted lips and eventually reached out a hand and hovered it over, feeling the warmth breathe against his fingers. They were perfect and pink. So soft. His thoughts got the better of him, so he had to retract his hand and shake them out his head.

"This is heading towards assault", Bucky murmured to himself as he sat up and shook Steve awake.

The man gasped and opened his eyes slowly. He was clearly confused as he pushed the hair out his eyes and blinked.

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