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The man in the interrogation room stared at them as if he could read their minds. As if he knew exactly where they were and exactly what they were thinking.
They thought they were in control but he was clearly taunting them about something. And they all had no doubt they were going to find out very soon.

The man had been here for close to a week with no contact from the outside world and virtually no contact in here either. So how would it be possible that he knew what was going to happen? Surely they were all just being paranoid, right?
He could have come in here knowing the plan, but there was no way for him to know if it changed or if it worked, whatever it was.
But the terrorists can't be that many steps ahead of them. To have a plan in place, a plan that works so perfectly, this man, who's been here for a week, can still successfully pull it off.

"Can he see us?" Wanda asks what everyone's thinking.

"No", whispers Nat.

They watch the man back with an equal gaze as Sam says quietly:

"Something's wrong".

"Maybe we've missed something", says Clint, eyes still trained on the man.

Tony looks back. He feels as if they're racing against an imaginary clock. He can feel the minutes counting down. But they don't even know what the race is, and the other team seem to be almost at the finish line.

"We have to have missed something", Nat points out. "He wasn't surprised we knew his name, despite not telling us, so he was probably wasting time for something. We know where he works, and we have his routine, so he's confident we haven't found anything. Yet he knows something we don't".

"We have to be close. He's never done this before or even reacted during interrogation except for Nat that one time. So we must already have the information that can tell us more. Right?" Wanda said.

But they'd gone through all this information so many times each, the only new piece was the plane ticket, but how could that show anything?

Tony got a notification and brought out his phone.

"I have a match on Walter King at a college".

The others dragged their eyes away from the man and grouped together to see.

"He went to Massachusetts institute of technology", Tony mumbled as he scrolled for more information.

"What did he graduate in?" One of the others asked.

After looking, Tony found it. "Chemical engineering. I think we're getting somewhere".

"Chemical engineering", Bruce repeated quietly. "That makes more sense than his office job. I bet he can do some useful stuff for the people he works for., But I still don't understand, why did they send him here? He sounds valuable".

"Why do answers always just lead to more questions?!" Sam groaned, completely exasperated.

"Ohhhh", Tony said quietly, getting everyone's attention. "I wouldn't be surprised if they had their eyes on him for a while. I've just found a hidden juvenile record".

He turned the phone around for the others to read, and they gasped.

"This is the same person?" Wanda asked as she looked back at the man.

The small article showed a picture of a partially destroyed building and read, 'on Friday afternoon, a large explosion destroyed most of a school building in Massachusetts. When local authorities arrived at the scene, it is believed that a young boy caused the accident. They found remnants of a bomb in a storage cupboard, but the young man assured everyone it was an accident and he didn't know it would work. The judge believed him, and he got no jail time'.

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