Claws and fangs

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Steve woke up without Bucky talking to him, and the only explanation was that he was still asleep. It was strange, Bucky was always awake and there when Steve woke up, so to stare up at the cold stone walls with the wind blowing in the distance was unnerving. But still, he tried not to move, they'd had a long night, and Steve felt bad for keeping Bucky up for half of it with his leg hurting or nightmares plaguing his mind.
And Steve couldn't help but notice he was feeling weird. His body was tingling, and he was even thinking about pulling the sleeping bag away as if he was hot. Of course, he couldn't be hot in this weather, which is all the more reason Bucky should stay asleep. Because Steve doesn't want him worrying about him any more than he already is, and he's just way too tired to hide this.

Of course, as if he could sense Steve's conscious mind, Bucky squinted and stretched his head back, yawning widely and looking to Steve.

"G'mornin Stevie", he smiled when it spread to Steve, making him grin too.

"Mornin Buck".

Seemingly unable to stop himself, Bucky leant over and placed a kiss to Steve's forehead before a flash of concern crossed his face.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Steve should have bet money on it. When it comes to Bucky, especially Bucky looking after Steve, Steve can always guess when he'll start to worry or turn on his mother hen mode. But, not wanting to worry him, he nodded.

"Yea, I'm okay, Buck".

The man didn't look convinced, but after Steve's bad night, he didn't want to bug him anymore. Although, they did have something else they needed to do today, and Steve wasn't going to like it.

"So", Bucky mumbled, taking his eyes off Steve. "I think it's time for another wash at the river".

Steve's face hardened before he whined and dropped his head back down.

"Noooooooo", he said quietly, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, but we have to. It's been a while since it was last cleaned, and it needs to be done again. It'll be over so quick, I promise. And then we can come back here for some food, we still have a bit of rabbit left from yesterday".

Steve didn't refuse again, but there was no way he was going to agree, so he stayed motionless with a pout on his face as Bucky got up to pack their stuff.
Steve was so focused on showing how unhappy he was with this that he didn't even notice Bucky crouch down next to him and stroke through his hair.

"You ready?" He asked gently.

Steve just glared up at him and sighed before giving in and nodding.

They were even more careful than last time as Steve was moved onto the freezing metal. Bucky even considered putting Steve into the sleeping bag and bringing it with them, but it was too risky. What if it got wet and cold? No, they couldn't risk that.

With the bag of empty water bottles on his back and Steve attached securely, they were on their way. Snow had started to fall harder, with some areas, it would have been deep enough to make a snowman as big as they were, but other areas were still slippy ice.

They didn't talk this time. Not even because Steve was too grumpy and Bucky didn't want to annoy him, but because Steve was busy looking up.
The thick green branches covered them like a canopy. The almost spiky-looking leaves of all different sizes layered each other into a mesmerising kaleidoscope of patterns. And every so often, the trees would part to let the sunlight through. As If they know they need it to survive, but they'll settle for the bare minimum and live in their darkened world on the brink of survival.
When the sky does show, it's hard to tell if the sun is shining bright or if the clouds dominate over everything. Steve thinks it might somehow be both. In such a dark place, any kind of light would seem blinding, but the sun really does shine over everything, it caresses his face for a second every time they approach a clearing before disappearing again. Yet the clouds fill the sky. A cloak of grey and misery drizzles down in the form of wind and snow. The sun shines bright, piercing through the clouds like a knife through paper. The clouds don't fight against it until it reaches the floor. Because even though the sun makes him want to shield his eyes, its effects never quite reach the ground. The snow doesn't melt against it, and the wind still feels bitter with every gust. But Steve sees its beauty for each split second he can and admires its persistence.

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