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"NO! NO"




"Bucky.... Bucky, can you hear me?"

Bright lights shone sharply, and loud murmurs filled the room. A stiff, achy body sat on itchy material, and a headache pounded.

"Bucky, can you hear me?"


"Bucky, if you can hear my voice, try and open your eyes".

The bright light seemed to dim slightly, and colour replaced it. Moving figures loomed above. And everything slowly came into focus.

"Are you with us?"

It was Bruce, he was standing above the bed and checking some screens.


"That's it, Bucky, can you tell me how you feel?"

Bucky slowly became aware of the hospital room he was sitting in. His whole body hurt so much, and his head was fuzzy.

"What happened?" He spoke hoarsely.

"What was the last thing you remember?" Asked Bruce.

As Bucky thought about it, he had no recollection of his last memory, and he started to panic. It was like Hydra, he couldn't remember what happened or what was going on now. He didn't know why he was in the hospital and felt like crap. He just wanted to go and slip into Steve's bed to sleep whilst he waited for Steve to be done for the day and lay down with him....


"Where's Steve, Bruce?!" Bucky suddenly sat up, ignoring the glaring pain in his bones and tried to get up.

The doctors and nurses that had been busying themselves around the room all ran towards him, trying to keep him in the bed and stop the IVs from being ripped out.

"Bucky, you can't get up, just calm down".

He pushed against them and carried on trying to get out the bed, but memories kept filling his head in flashes. He saw the plane going down and Steve's injured leg. He saw them lying in the cave enjoying fireworks and Steve kissing him for the first time and all the times after that. But then he remembered Steve getting sick again. He was sweating and shivering and wasn't responding. And he remembered sitting in the cold, holding an almost lifeless Steve as he accepted their fate.

"He was hurt!" Bucky cried out. "He was dying! Where is he? Where is he?!"

Bucky sobbed as he still tried to get up, for once he could barely fight back against everyone because he was so weak. He pushed against one of the doctors and realised his left arm was missing. Not letting it distract him for long, he flung his legs over the edge of the bed and slipped off. His feet hit the floor, and he dropped down, the weight of his body too heavy.
Bruce grabbed him before he could hit his face against the floor, but it was a struggle.

"Bucky, calm down!"

"Where's Steve?! Where's Steve?!" He yelled.

"He's alive!"

Bucky stopped for a moment and caught his breath.

"He's alive", Bruce said once more.

"I-I wanna see him", demanded Bucky.

A nurse in the room started talking. "He shouldn't be leaving his bed. He needs to stay for further test-"

"No, he doesn't, he needs to see him", Bruce interrupted as he helped Bucky get up.

To the end of the line - stuckyWhere stories live. Discover now