Repairing The Damage

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Bucky felt himself move slightly but quickly realised Steve was fidgeting in his lap. He grabbed him and opened his eyes to a sleepy Steve wiping at his eyes.
Bruce stood in front of them with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry. Steve, you have another procedure scheduled", he spoke gently.

The man looked up at Bucky with a slightly panicked look, but hands were quick to comfort him.

"It's okay, Stevie, I'm gonna go with you, right?" He looked up to Bruce, who nodded.

"Yea, Buck, you can come in and then during the actual procedure, you'll wait on the other side of a window where you can see him the whole time", then he looked to Steve. "And as soon as you're done, Bucky can come back in and be there when you wake up".

Steve reluctantly nodded and followed Bucky's lead as they stood up and slowly walked back to a similar room as before. Bucky practically held Steve's weight up on his own, but it was good this time. This time they had help on the other side.

"Okay, Steve, why don't you lay on this bed here for me".

He climbed onto it cautiously, with Bucky praising him every step of the way.

"You're doin' so good, baby".

Bucky leaned over him and placed kisses on his nose until Steve was lying flat. He continued stroking his face and pressing kisses in random places until the blonde seemed more relaxed than before.

Bruce gently picked up Steve's hand and sorted everything he needed before he started and carefully reached over to place a small mask over Steve's nose. He tried to ignore it and push away the worry as Bucky talked to him.

"What do ya wanna do now we're home, huh?"

Whatever gas he was breathing in had started to work, and he fought to find the words.

"Umm, I-. I wanna move our stuff-f, i-into the same room", he slurred.

With a smile, Bucky nodded.

"Whatever you want".

And after a kiss to his temple, Steve was fast asleep and ready for surgery.
Random medical staff who must have been waiting filed into the room and listened to Bruce's instructions before wheeling Steve away.
Bucky accidentally held onto the side and wouldn't let go until Bruce placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Bucky, he needs to go in now. It'll be around half an hour. We're going to take him through those doors there, and you can stand at that window right there", he pointed around until Bucky nodded.

He took one last look at Steve and let go, watching him disappear through the doors. He walked up to the window and felt relief again at seeing Steve. Though he hated being on this side instead of being with him in the room, but he knew he was okay. Bruce was with him, and he needed this to make his leg better.

He kept his eyes trained on Steve. On his face, watching for any sign of movement or twitches. And he watched the medical team for any sign of change. Making sure nothing appeared out of the ordinary.

At some point, Sam walked up and stood next to him, watching the procedure. But Bucky didn't say anything, he just concentrated on Steve.

"You okay?" Sam finally asked.

"Yea," Bucky said bluntly. Not on purpose, he was just distracted.

It was silent for a moment more until Bucky realised he was being rude.

"Where have you been?" He decided to ask.

"Just been seeing off the Canadians", Sam replied. "We owe them a lot", he added quietly.

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