Come Back To Me

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Bruce became vaguely aware of loud, blaring sirens in the distance. His head felt fuzzy, like he was waking up first thing in the morning. But it felt strange. He didn't remember going to sleep, and his body felt like it had been hit by a truck.
Trying to wake up fully and break out of the confusion, he raised a hand to his head, but it was as if he was holding a weight.
He slowly became more aware of his surroundings and looked down at chunks of concrete over his body. This made the confusion worse as he pushed the bigger pieces off and wiped a hand over his face, feeling some kind of dust until he reached his eye and felt wetness. Looking down at his hand, he realised it was blood. How was his eye bleeding?

The ringing in his ears didn't help as he tapped the side of his head in an attempt to get it to stop.

And then he looked around, realising everything was covered in broken concrete. The ceiling had a huge hole letting him see the ceiling of the floor above.
He couldn't remember anything. He urged the fog in his mind to clear and to pick up the figurative pieces.

He remembers them discussing the man, Walter King, and coming to watch the interrogation. But something was wrong. They didn't know what, though, and then they found a news headline of him as a child, blowing up his school. That's probably why Tony was freaking out, he knew there was a bomb here before everyone else, but it was too late.

It must have exploded in the tower.

"Bruce, are you okay? Bruce?"

He could barely hear, but looked up to see a roughed-up Tony Stark.
Bruce once again rubbed over his face and slowly nodded before Tony began pushing the rubble off and helping him stand. It was disorientating at first, but he quickly got used to it and looked around some more. His hearing was starting to come back, and the ringing had lessened as he could now hear more sirens. They seemed to be coming from all different directions and were accompanied by red flashing lights.
He turned and stumbled on rocks as Tony bent down to make sure Nat was okay. That was when Bruce noticed the feet sticking out of a rubble pile. Running as fast as his legs would take him, he tried pushing off the heavy bits and uncover whoever it was. Nearly all his teammates had been in the room, and the thought caused him to push harder. When it was finally removed, he looked down at a S.H.I.E.L.D agent he didn't recognise, didn't even know their name, but they weren't breathing, and there was nothing he could do.

Nat suddenly jumped up nearby him as she became aware of what had happened.

"Clint?" She yelled at the dusty room before turning to the other two, "he can't last under this rubble with his injury".

They immediately started searching faster, heaving at pieces of rock to move. Looking for any people-shaped rubble when Bruce uncovered Sam.

"I got Sam", he shouted as loud as his aching chest would let him.

He put two fingers to the man's neck and felt a good pulse. He quickly checked for any other injuries, but he seemed to be okay, just unconscious, so he shook him, trying to get him up.

"Sam, wake up. Sam".

Sam woke up to shouting in his face. Bruce was shouting at him to wake up, but he didn't know why he was asleep anyway.
As soon as he saw the rubble, he remembered everything. He coughed at the funny feeling in his throat and looked over to see Tony pulling Wanda to her feet and Nat pulling concrete off Clint.

Clint didn't look great as Nat wiped everything off him and pulled his T-shirt up, revealing the big bandage he still wore.

"Does anything hurt?" She asked.

"Well, a little", he replied sarcastically. "But I think I'm fine".

They all looked at each other with worried faces as they digested the scene. There was at least one fatality so far, and they had barely started looking.

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