Effects Can Last

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"Do you want a wheelchair or crutches this time?" Bruce asked as Steve was trying to climb out the bed.

"No, no, I'm fine", he assured.

They really should have been asking Bucky, as he was the one practically carrying Steve. But obviously, he didn't mind. If Steve didn't want to sit in a wheelchair and get pushed around, he didn't have to. He'd been stuck, immobile, in the cave, so he could do whatever he wanted now.

Bucky wrapped his right arm under the man's shoulder and across his back as Bruce walked slowly with them to help if needed. He had been there for them since the plane arrived, and they were rushed out.

He remembers seeing their weak bodies and scruffy look as teams shouted all around him about the issues they had. He didn't know who to help first, he needed to choose. But eventually, he went with Steve. His heartbeat was so weak that machines could barely pick it up, and his leg was going to kill him.

He'd updated the team with all the key information in the first crucial days, but he didn't tell them about the frostbite that littered their bodies and barely managed to treat. He didn't tell them about the ice that still tangled itself into their hair despite just being warmed up on the jet. He saw them, ribs sticking from their bodies and fat almost nonexistent. Their muscles had broken down in the body's desperate attempt to find nutrients. Even as a super soldier, they barely made it out, and he isn't sure how they're still here.

"Everyone's in the main room", he said, suddenly realising he'd been daydreaming.

They slowly made their way into the room, and Nat called them to the sofa with a spot already saved for them.
Bucky gently lowered Steve down before sitting right next to him, both men staying as close as possible. After all, they'd gotten completely used to invading each other's space, and it felt weird not to now.

The others, not so subtly, tried to go about as if it was a usual evening whilst still making sure they both had everything they needed.
Bucky really appreciated it, knowing things wouldn't go back to normal for a while, but smothering him wouldn't help unless it was Steve.

"Before we do anything, I have something for Bucky. It's just a quick model, so I can change anything you don't like", said Tony as he handed over something wrapped in a cloth.

Steve peered over as Bucky lifted the material and saw a brand-new arm.

"I assumed you needed one after the last broke".

The coolest thing about this new arm was the realness of it. It perfectly matched the skin tone of his real arm and even had blemishes making it look so lifelike.

"If you ever get a tan, I may need to make another one", said Tony, making Bucky laugh.

After another closer inspection, Bucky turned to Tony and spoke quietly.

"Can you please help me put it on now?"

With a genuine smile, Tony stood up and knelt beside Bucky, taking the arm and carefully pulling back Bucky's sleeve.
It made a clicking noise, and the sound of metal pins dropping before a bigger smile graced Bucky's face.

Tony stepped back, and Bucky held it out, comparing both his hands. It was like the accident had never happened.
He turned to Steve and raised the new hand to his cheek. It felt softer and calmer somehow. No more metal standing out against everything else. No more past weapons near Steve if Bucky ever wanted to be close to him. It felt safer. He loved it.

Steve smiled so big all his teeth were on display when he put his head down onto Bucky's shoulder, and the brunette was finally able to give him a tight hug with two arms.

To the end of the line - stuckyWhere stories live. Discover now