The Departure of the Fellowship

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I had just finished packing my things for our adventure, which was quite exciting. I wasn't bringing much, just the essentials such as my weapons and a water bottle. I was very anxious to leave Rivendell, it would only be the third time I did. The first time I left with Aragorn and we only left for a few days. Just riding on our horses out in the wild. I did get to see some new place of Middle-Earth, but not much. It was still an amazing experience though. The second time was not long ago when I left with Arwen to go rescue Frodo from the black riders. So really I haven't been out of Rivendell much, but that is only because Elrond would not allow me to do so. I heard a knock on my door which made me gasp since I was deep in my thoughts. I turned around and saw Mladris close the door behind her, I wondered what was up with her since I could feel her sadness.

"Mladris... Are you alright?" I asked her before she could say anything.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving for such a dangerous purpose?" She questioned me with tears in her eyes. I was about to reply but she continued. "What if I never see you again?"

"Mladris, I think you're underestimating me." I smirked. "I will be back, for sure."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I know how to fight for myself. And besides, somebody has to do this. If we don't go to Mordor to destroy this ring, the whole world will be a dangerous place. I must go." I explained to her.

"Lady Aearel." Linder called me after he knocked on my door. "Lord Elrond wishes to speak with you.

"I must go, Mladris. But don't worry, we will see each other again." I said and hugged her.

"I will miss you so much."

"Me too, Mladris."

I took my bag and walked towards the door and met up with Lindir. We just walked in silence all the way to Elronds chamber, then he talked to me.

"Be careful out there, Aearel. Now, I'm not saying this because I think you cannot fight well enough, but I care about you and the world is a dangerous place. Never forget that the enemy has spies everywhere."

"Don't worry about me, Lindir, I will never forget it." I told him as he put his hand on my shoulder and nodded. I pulled away and entered Elrond's chamber.

"Aearel, there you are. I must speak with you, it is very important."

"Is everything alright?" I asked him, worried.

"Henig, are you sure that you want to leave with them? It is a dangerous journey."

"I want to go with them more than anything. This is my chance to prove my worth, please understand."

"There are ways to prove your worth here a-"

"I do not want to hear it. I want to go out there, see the world and fight for the ones I love. Not stay here and play the harp. This is my choice." He sighed.

"If this is what you want, then I will give it to you. I trust you, Aearel."

"Thank you."

"Uuma ma' ten' rashwe, ta tuluva a' lle." He warned me.

"I know." I told him and he sighed before taking me in his arms.

"Gi melin, Aearel."

"Gi melin ada." I held him tightly as tears went down my cheeks.


I was looking out at Rivendell, for the last time before we all set out of here to go to Mordor, where the doom of our time would be decided. The rest of the fellowship was also here, all waiting to go. I closed my eyes as I thought of all the good memories I had here. With my brothers and sister, with my father. I had decided not to be mad at Elrond anymore. After all, he did love me like a real father, and I loved him like a real daughter. He cared about me and that was all that mattered, I am just glad I figured it all out in my head before leaving. What if I had died before I could tell him how much he means to me and how much I love him? I suddenly felt a strong glare on me and I turned around to see the elf, Legolas, looking at me. He quickly looked the other way and I smiled slightly.

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