The Council of Elrond

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* The image I added on the side is what Aearel wears when she goes to practice her fighting!*

I walked through Rivendell as the wind blew in my hair and the moon shined on my face, making everything seem a little blue around me. It was very nice out today, not too hot, not too cold. Just perfect.
Arwen and I got back to Rivendell four nights ago and I had just learned this morning that Frodo had woken up. He was apparently still in bed, but at least we managed to save him and now he was alive. I went to see him a couple of times, when he was still not conscious. I spoke a lot with his friend, Sam. He hardly ever left his side. Bilbo also talked a lot with me as we watched Frodo. To be honest, I did not have much hope for the halfling. Even though Elrond is a master of healing, the enemy's weapons are deadly.

"Lady Aearel, may I walk with you?" I turned around when I heard a voice, only to see Frodo.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, resting?" I asked him and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I should be in bed, but Gandalf told me a lot about you, so when you passed by my room, I could not resist the envy of following you and taking advantage of this nice weather to have a short talk with you." He explained and I smiled at him.

"Well alright then, what would you like to talk about?" I sat down on a bench and invited him to sit beside me.

"Do you think the ring is safe here? I would hope so, but I feel that most people here think not."

"They are afraid, Frodo. They do not know what to expect. I would also wish for the ring to be safe here but unfortunately, and I do not say this to worry you even more, I think that the only way we will all be safe is when that ring will be destroyed. I believe it is the only way." Frodo did not say anything, he seemed to be thinking about a lot of things. Only he should be resting now, not worrying about his fate and what will come tomorrow. "But for now, we shall not think about that. There will soon be feasting and merrymaking to celebrate. So go, Frodo, get some rest and be ready to celebrate tomorrow." I kissed him shortly on his forehead before walking away to my bedroom.


I stepped into the hall and saw it filled with people, mostly elves, of course. I noticed Elrond sitting on his great chair at the end of the long table and beside him sat Gandalf. I saw Arwen sitting on a chair in the middle of the table. She noticed me and motioned to me to come sit beside her. She wore her crown tonight and so did I.

"Don't you look lovely tonight" she told me as I sat beside her.

"Not nearly as much as you, muinthel."

"You seem worried, is something wrong?"

"Everything is fine, don't worry."

The feast was merry, the food was delicious and the music was festive. When the feast came to an end, Elrond, Arwen and I rose and went down the hall, everyone behind us. We entered a hall but there were no tables, just a bright fire. As Elrond went towards his seat, elvish minstrels began to play music. I wasn't much of a dancer, so I walked up to where Frodo and Bilbo were. Thought I could just spend the evening talking with them.

"Well hullo there My Lady." Bilbo greeted me sweetly.

"It is so nice to see you again Bilbo." I smiled at him. "You too Frodo. May I sit with you?" I asked them and they nodded in agreement.
We talked about all kinds of things that night. Frodo wanted to know what Bilbo had been up to and Bilbo wanted to hear about the Shire. Dear Bilbo also talked about all these wonderful songs he wrote, which I think are very good.
I saw Aragorn and noticed he was coming our way.

"Ah, there you are at last, Dúnadan!" Bilbo cried.

"Strider!" Frodo said.

"Why weren't you at the feast?" Bilbo asked him. "Lady Arwen was there." He added and I smirked.

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