The Fellowship Reunited

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Chapter 21 - The Fellowship Reunited

We had travelled back to Gondor and everyone was getting ready for the coronation in two days. Frodo was still unconscious, but he would probably be waking up tomorrow, that was what Gandalf said anyway. I was eager to see him again. Actually, I had seen him, and the poor soul had lost a finger... but I meant I could not wait to see him when he would be awake. Sam was also unconscious, but he looked a lot better than his companion.

I wondered if Boromir could see us now as I let the evening wind blow in my face. I could see a good part of the city from the balcony of the room Legolas and I were sharing. Many things had been destroyed in the battle, towers, houses... but it was still an immense joy to see that it was over.

When I woke up the next morning, Legolas was already gone. I slowly got up and saw that a beautiful white dress with silver beads  had been placed on the wooden chair beside the bed. I smiled to myself and thought that maybe Elrond and Arwen were here. I was so excited to see them again!

I eagerly took off my night gown and stepped into the soft dress. I brushed my hair, but I let it completely loose today.

I walked towards the door and was about to open it when it opened itself.

"Good morning, meleth nín." Legolas said before giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. He was wearing a pale blue outfit with his normal green trousers and brown boots.

"Good morning." I said and gave him a warm smile.

"Frodo is awake." He told me. I sighed in relief and looked at him in excitement.

"Let's go see him!" I said happily before grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the room. I heard him laugh at my excitement as we both ran towards Frodo's room.

I entered first with a huge smile on my face, which Frodo returned when he saw me.

"Aearel!" He exclaimed.

I scurried over to him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my neck and we both laughed. It was such a relief to see him. I let go of him and stood beside Legolas, leaning my head against his shoulder and grabbing his hand.

"Aragorn." Frodo said and I turned around to see Aragorn grinning at the Hobbit. He walked towards us and stood beside me. Then Sam walked in the room and smiled at Frodo.

We all looked at each other and smiled. We were all here -except Boromir... But I would not think of that now. Boromir's death would stay with me for the rest of my life. But right now, I simply had to be happy that it was all over. Happy to see my friends again. We were together now, the fellowship was reunited.


"Ada!" I shouted as I saw Elrond in the hall. I ran to him and hugged him. He laughed slightly and pulled away.

"Aearel." He said and I smiled at him.

"I'm so glad to see you!" I said and he smiled. I looked at him intently and was about to ask something when he smiled.

"She's in the room beside yours." He answered my question before I could even ask it. I smiled before running away.

I went up the stairs so fast with a huge smile on my face. I knocked on the door but I did not even wait for someone to open it before going in.

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