The Battle of Pelennor Fields

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Chapter 18 - The Battle of Pelennor Fields

The boat advanced rapidly on the water towards the city of Minas Tirith. I began to grow nervous as the city appeared in the distance. I felt someone come close behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. I smiled slightly and turned around to face him.

"Don't be nervous. Everything is going to be alright." He spoke softy. I sighed and looked into his deep blue eyes.

"I hope so." I said. Aragorn then shouted that we would arrive any minute and that we should hide. Legolas grabbed my chin gently and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I could tell that even though he was not showing it, he was very nervous. His other hand travelled to my back and he pulled me closer to him. I reluctantly pulled away and stared into his eyes. "I really hope so." I whispered. We all crouched down on the floor, so that the Orcs would not see us. Legolas grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I smiled to myself and thought about how much I loved him. It was crazy to think that over so little time, I had grown so fond of him. In fact, I don't know what I would do without him now that I had him.
A rush of adrenaline shot through my veins; in a few seconds, we would be making our way into the battlefield.

"Late, as usual! Pirate scum! There's work that needs doing." I heard an Orc shout from the dock. I smirked to myself, that filth would be shocked to see not pirates, but two Elves, a man and a Dwarf, alongside an army of ghosts. "Come on, ya sea rats! Get off your ships!" The Orc shouted.

Suddenly, Aragorn launched himself off of the ship, followed by Gimli and then Legolas and I. We all glared at the Orcs, who looked so shocked that it made me smirk. I grabbed my bow and nocked an arrow, holding it down and waiting for Aragorn to give the signal.

"There's plenty for the both of us, may the best Dwarf win!" Gimli said to Legolas, who wore a determined face.

"Oh, not as long as I'm here, master Dwarf." I said and they both looked at me. I shook my head and prepared myself to kill some filthy Orcs.

Aragorn then started to walk forwards, raising his sword. We all started to run towards the Orcs and I released my first arrow. I hit the Orc right in the head as he was looking at us in disbelief. One, I counted in my head. As we kept running, the Dead army rushed out of the boats, making the Orcs look terrified. As I killed another Orc with another arrow, I looked around myself and realized that the battle had already begun, long ago. There were so many dead bodies, I just could not believe it. We're we too late? I went deeper into the battlefield, releasing more arrows. There was more room for me to shoot them so I did not have to use my daggers just yet. I heard someone shout behind me and saw Eomer, killing many Orcs. I felt someone behind me and quickly turned around. The Orc sent his sword towards my shoulder and I barely had time to throw myself on the ground. I kicked the Orc, sending him onto the ground, before pulling out my dagger and chopping off his head. I was breathing heavily as I put my bow back in my quiver. I would use my daggers now. I was able to attack faster with them if an Orc was too close to me. I could have got killed just here, so I would be more careful from now on. Another Orc arrived in front of me and in a matter of seconds, he was laying dead on the ground, bleeding from the wound I had inflicted him. These Orcs were easier to kill than the Uruk-Hai, for their technique and speed were not as good as them. The sounds of the battle kept me completely awake, which was a good thing for I did not want to fall asleep during a battle. I could hear Legolas counting every Orc he had killed. Fifteen, sixteen, he shouted. Gimli shouted back his numbers competitively. I shook my head and smirked. I killed another Orc. 20, I counted in my head. They were a little behind but with me in the competition they did not really have a chance. After all, when all you do is practice killing imaginary Orcs in the forest for years, you pick up quite a few things.
I kept killing more and more Orcs, but there were so many, a lot more than at Helm's Deep. I thought to myself that if the army of ghosts had not been here with us, we never would have made it out of this battle alive. I spun my daggers around and killed two Orcs in under a minute. I frowned as I saw a soldier crawling on the ground, moving away from an Orc. I looked at the soldier and noticed his long and wavy blond hair... No, it couldn't be..., I said to myself. What was she doing here? I looked at my dagger for a moment before looking back at the Orc and throwing my weapon at him. He let out a screech of pain as the blade pierced his upper back, making him fall on his knees. She looked at me nodded thankfully. I wanted to go and see her, but she looked at me in the eyes and I could see that she did not need my help anymore. I went up to the Orc and grabbed my dagger before running away and killing more of these filthy creatures. I saw Legolas not too far from where I was and went up to him, killing many Orcs that were in the way. As I arrived beside him, I began to hear a loud thundering and shouting behind us. I turned around and saw a massive Mûmakil making his way towards us, crushing anything in his way.

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