The Palantír

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** The gif has nothing to do with the chapter but I just thought it was so adorable!**

Chapter 14 - The Palantír

I was still in Legolas' arms as we both looked at the sky. We could see Mordor in the distance. Something was happening over there, I could feel it. I could feel a great power coming all the way from the east.
Aragorn arrived beside me and I smiled slightly at him. I was happy, but I was also very concerned with was was happening in Mordor. I prayed with all of my heart that Frodo and Sam were still alive. He nodded respectfully towards us and I looked back at the sky.

"The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice." Legolas spoke as we all looked towards Mordor.

"The eye of the enemy is moving." I said. Legolas squeezed my hand. He could feel it too. That meant that Frodo was getting closer to Mordor. The Eye could feel the power of the ring getting stronger. Suddenly I began to feel weak. I was breathing heavily and I could barely stay on my feet. I could feel the Eye's presence as if it was right next to me.

"Aearel?" Legolas called my name and I could sense that he was worried. "Aearel are you alright?" He asked me as he grabbed me by the waist and helped me stay on my feet.

"Sau-Sauron... He-he is here." I told them in a shaky voice. I grabbed my head with one hand and I held tightly into Legolas' arm with my other, digging my fingers into his skin.

"He is here!" Legolas repeated. I stood up on my own but kept my hand in Legolas' and looked at them with wide eyes.

"Pippin!" I gasped. They looked at me questioningly before I turned around and started to run towards the hall,  pulling Legolas with me as Aragorn followed us. My head was pounding but I had to ignore it. I continued to run towards Gandalf, Merry and Pippin's room. Going up the stairs was hard but I made it and burst through the door. I saw that Pippin was writhing around in pain with the Palantír in his hands. It seemed to me that he could not let go of it, as if it was glued to his hands. Aragorn ran towards Pippin and took it from his hands. He sunk to his knees right as he held it in his hands. Legolas let go of my hand and grabbed Aragorn's shoulders. I raced towards them and helped Aragorn stay awake. I looked over at Pippin, who was lying  still on the floor.

"Pippin!" Merry called him as he ran over to his friend to see if he was alright.

"Fool of a Took!" Gandalf said, pushing Merry out of his way. "Look at me." Gandalf commanded. Pippin looked away, his breathing sharp and shaky.

"Gandalf... Forgive me..." Pippin whispered.

"Look at me." Gandalf said once more. Pippin turned his head to face the wizard. "What did you see?" Gandalf asked him.

"A tree... A white tree in a courtyard of stone... It was dead. The city was burning." Pippin said. I looked at Aragorn with a worried expression. He also looked worried. He was thinking the same as me. We knew of this tree. The white tree of Gondor, the tree of the King. Aragorn had took me to The White City, long ago.

"Minas Tirith? Is that what you saw?" Gandalf questioned.

"I saw... I saw him!" I could hear his voice in my head!" Pippin said.

"And what did you tell him?" Gandalf asked him. "Speak!"

"He asked me my name. I didn't answer." Pippin told him. "He hurt me!" He said in almost a whisper.

"What did you tell him about Frodo and the ring?" Gandalf asked. I looked nervously at Pippin, awaiting his response. But he did not say a word. I looked at him in the eyes and understood that he had told him nothing. I grabbed his hand and looked at Gandalf.

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