Exodus from Edoras

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Chapter 10 - Exodus from Edoras

I exited the room very early in the morning so that I wouldn't have to face Legolas sop soon. I felt terrible about last night and I was still questioning myself on wether or not I had made the right decision.
I didn't really know how to get back to the King's hall because I was unconscious when they had brought me to the room, so really I had no idea where I was going. I started to hear voices ahead of me and I finally made it to the hall. I sighed in relief and noticed Eowyn sitting at a table all by herself. I made my way towards her and she smiled when she saw me.

"Good morning, My Lady." She told me as I sat down in front of her.

"Please, call me Aearel." I told her as I smiled.

"Are you feeling better? I was so worried last night, I just couldn't sleep." She said as she put her hand on her chest.

"I am feeling better, Aragorn did a wonderful job. But I didn't sleep either..." I said and I looked down at my hands. I felt a big weight on my chest as I thought of last night. I remembered Legolas' skin in the pale moonlight, how it seemed to glow and how soft it looked. Oh and his lips...maybe I shouldn't have rejected him.

"Aearel?" Eowyn's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at her questioningly.


"I asked you if you would like something to eat?" She asked me with a small laugh.

"No thank you." I simply replied as I gave her a small smile.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked me curiously. I thought about it and figured that maybe if I talked about it with someone else, it would help. After all, she's a woman and she's so caring and beautiful, she probably knows a thing or two about how to handle this kind of situation.

"Well I-"

"Good morning ladies!" Gimli deep and cheerful voice sounded in my ears as he sat beside me on the bench and looked at us both. "You two are up early!" He said and winked at me which made me smile. Oh Gimli, no matter what you do you always cheer me up!

"It's a good thing they're up early, Gimli, we have to be heading to Helms Deep soon." The only voice that made me so calm yet so nervous, especially at this moment, said as he arrived with Aragorn. I immediately looked down at my hands again and I'm pretty sure everyone could sense the tension between Legolas and I on this lovely morning. I turned my head the opposite way and noticed Gandalf walking out of the hall. I jumped to my feet and ran up to him, thinking this was the best opportunity to not stay in that awkward position.

"Good morning, Gandalf!" I told him as cheerfully as I could.

"Well good morning, my dear. Aren't you a little too happy for someone who went through what you did last night?" He asked me as we stopped walking at the top of the stairs outside the hall.

"Well it's a beautiful morning." I replied, not wanting to tell him that really I was feeling horrible and that I only came up to talk to him because I didn't want to be beside Legolas. He smiled at me before we started walking again. At that point, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas had joined us. I tried not to make any eye contact with him because it would just bring the awkwardness back. I knew that we would have to talk to each other again somehow and make things better, but it would not be right now.

"By order of the King... the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's deep." The guard that had taken our weapons the first time we had arrived here, who I later learned was called Hama, said to the people of Rohan outside the Golden Hall.

"Helm's deep." Gandalf muttered as we walked through the people gathering their belongings for the long and hard road to Helm's Deep.

"They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their King?" Gimli said as we arrived closer to the stables.

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