Cursed Mobile Suits

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"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


"Rouji." Shaddiq called out to his Housemate.

"Yes!" Rouji complied as he turned to his Haro,  "Haro."

"As you wish." The Haro said as the data of the Aerial and the Strike, under the name of Pleione, was transferred to Ryouji's notebook, trying to find the Permet code of both Gundams.

"There's no match for both Permet codes, but there's only one machine that's similar."

"Ochs Earth, huh?" Shaddiq guessed as Ryouji looked back to his leader.

"But that's impossible. I mean..."

"If that is the Witch's mobile suit, then we can't just leave it alone." Shaddiq said as he looked specifically at the Strike, "More importantly to the White Devil himself, or maybe the son of the original? If Kira Yamato is the White Devil at the incident then he didn't exist at that time. There's no way."

"Yeah, you have a point." Ryouji then looked back to his notebook, "It says here that the boy's mobile suit is called XVG-110 Pleione, but they called it the Strike instead."

"Could be its true name." Shaddiq said as he put a finger on his mouth, "Strike Gundam? A fitting name for that Gundam."

We then went back to the three students on the battlefield as Kira and Suletta were flabbergasted.

"What the hell did we get into, Suletta?" Kira asked his sister. After the events of the duel recently, both siblings became grooms of this tsundere. What a way to start a school.

"Why us?!" Suletta asked Miorine, "Your grooms I mean!"

"My lousy father decided without consulting me." Miorine explained as she looked away from the two pilots, "I'm to marry whoever the Holder is."


"Don't worry. There's no way I'm doing that." Miorine declared as she looked back with determination in her eyes, "All I want... is to go to Earth."

"No way!/Really?/The White Devil's here?!/Guel lost?/I can't believe it!/" came the various responses of the students watching the duel. We switched to the Earth House, who are in awe at the results.

"Wow." Nika awed as she and the members of the Earth House looked at the footage of the kneeling Strike and Aerial, "They built mobile suits like those at Mercury?"

"Probably the one the two girls are at, but the White Devil couldn't be built at that place but it could be upgraded." said one of the members to Nika, "But still, who would've thought that the boy is the White Devil of Vanadis."

"But it's impossible." Nika said, "If Kira-san is the White Devil of Vanadis, he wouldn't exist at that time or if he was born. The Vanadis Incident happened at 101." the members nodded at Nika's words because it's reasonable. But hoo boy, they don't know how wrong they are.

"Yeah, you're right. He might be the son of the White Devil." then the video feed began to glitch as it disappeared.

"Jamming?!" Chuatury gawked as the battlefield began to darken with signs of ALERT showing. Then lights were targeted to the Gundams as the three students covered their eyes.

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