Shall We Gundam?

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"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


In a Benerit Group meeting held by Sarius in the absence of Delling, the video of the wreckage of Pharact was shown and analyzed.

"Why, yes. We acknowledge it." Nugen admitted when the data and video of the Pharact were shown, "The Pharact is indeed a Gundam."

"It's despicable of you to breach the Agreement so casually." Vim scoffed, now that he knows that the Peil Technologies built a Gundam of their own.

"I believe you know a thing or two about that yourself." Nugen countered, knowing that Vim knows about the GUND Format more, "Now then, what are you proposing?" Nugen asked the man who held this meeting. Sarius Zenelli.

"We'd like Peil Technologies to cooperate with our plan." Sarius said without ever looking back at them because his chair is swiveled at the screen, "This is an opportunity we'll never see again. To learn what he... what Delling has up his sleeve."


Currently, at Miorine's greenhouse, Suletta is a bit dazed while attempting to clip off tomatoes from the vines. Why? Well, Elan didn't show up, and that worried Suletta. Of course, she was gently bonked on the head by Miorine's water sprinkler while Miorine herself was carrying some sort of plastic container. IDK man.

"Don't let your mind wander!" Miorine scolded cutting Suletta off from her dazed state, "You'll hurt the tomatoes." then she resumed to what she was about to do. Then behind Miorine's recent position is Kira, sitting down while putting fertilizer on the said plants each by each.

Suletta looked back to the girl, apologizing, "I-I'm sorry."

Miorine then put the water sprinkler and gas can on the computer desk as she sat down to access said computer, "Honestly... Are you really that worried about Elan?"

"Well, Suletta says that Elan reminds her of a young me, so that's reasonable." Kira added, trying to defend Suletta as he looked back to Miorine.

Suletta then lowered the plant scissors, or rather pruning shears for you Plantitos and Plantitas, as she looked down, "He hasn't been to school since then, either. Is he really okay?"

"Maybe he got sick?" Kira guessed, then he resumed putting a few more fertilizers on a few plants and after that its maintenance time for the Gundams.

Miorine then looked at the label of the plastic container while bringing up Suletta's habit, "Butting into other people's problems and worrying without being asked... Are you enjoying this or something?"

"Haven't you ever been troubled, Miorine-san... about somebody else's-" Suletta asked until she was cut off by Miorine herself before she could finish her sentence.

"Never." Miorine replied, not looking back to Suletta and not giving a shit about others while she was working on her computer, "I only ever think about one thing. Getting out of this place and going to Earth." Because of this, Suletta looked down, "If your mind is always elsewhere, you'll fail the exam again."

"I guess that's true, but..." A notification appears on Suletta's student notebook. Suletta then took out her notebook to reveal... "An invitation?"

Miorine and Kira had the same notification, "An incubation party, huh? There's no need to go." She hid her notebook after that.

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