Trembling World and Lacus Strikes

451 14 16

"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


With all two ships now in space, the Kusanagi is being assembled with its parts by the M1 Astrays while the Gundams couldn't help but be amazed and watched. Once the Kusanagi was now complete, Kisaka and Murrue began to talk to one another inside their respective ships, talking about Cagalli.

"How's Cagalli?" Murrue asked Kisaka.

"She's calmed down somewhat, but it's been hard on her." Kisaka told the worried Archangel, including Miorine, "Right now, I can't really tell her not to cry."

The Gundams decided to enter the Kusanagi. For what reason? Well, Cagalli since she lost her father. Once they were inside, the pilots hopped out of their mobile suits and SUletta hugged Kira for support of what happened recently. They quickly changed into their uniforms (Well Athrun wears the Orb mechanics Uniform) and then they reached the room where Cagalli spent her time weeping.

They entered her room to try and console her, and Cagalli used this chance to tackle Kira and cry on his chest.


Murrue, Mu, and Miorine (Ladies and Gentlemen... meet the M's!), who decided to tag along to reunite with Suletta and Kira, were given a tour by Kisaka of the Kusanagi, meeting the Astray Trio along the way. They reached the bridge where they met Erica Simmons.

"Head for the L4 colony group?" Miorine asked as she and Murrue looked at Kisaka once he told them about their next plan. 

"Neither the Kusanagi nor the Archangel will need supplies for some time...but there are limits. Water, in particular, could become a problem fairly soon." Kisaka informed as Cagalli and the Gundam pilots entered the bridge, "The colony group at L4 was damaged and abandoned shortly after the war began. Though uninhabited, the colonies will be useful as water sources."

"It reminds me of something we've seen before." Murrue said, recalling a certain mission Kira Yamato and friends did when they were deployed to find water and supplies in a colony... Junius Seven.

Mu looked back to Murrue, knowing what the brown-haired captain was referring to, "It'll be alright. This is different from Junius Seven."

"Junius Seven... I read about that. It's..." Miorine began and Athrun finished it for her.

"Yeah... it's tragic. My mom died there."

Miorine gave Athrun a sympathetic look, "My condolence."

Athrun gave Miorine a smile of gratitude, "Thank you." then he decided to change the subject as his expression became serious, "There are still a number of colonies functioning in L4."

This information was new to everyone as they looked back to Athrun, "Long ago...after receiving information about a suspicious group residing here..." Athrun began to explain, "ZAFT came here to research the area. There are no longer any residents... but there should still be some colonies with operational facilities."

With a nod Kira looked back to the rest, "Then it's decided."

"But..." Mu started as he looked to Athrun for confirmation, "...are you sure you're okay with this? And not just you....this question's intended for the other ZAFT soldier as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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