Into the Dawn Skies

414 13 14

"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


Athrun was resting after the battle as Kira debriefed him about what happened to his childhood friend after the Aegis exploded. He can't believe that Kira would be sent to another timeline this was something that you watch in movies and anime, and read mangas and light novels. He was even surprised that Kira reverted to being 5 years old as he grew up with his foster parents just like the Yamatos.

He gets to know Kira's step-sister, Suletta Mercury. Suletta seems to be a very cheerful girl and cares for and loves Kira as she keeps calling him Kira-nii-chan with affection. It was even funny she called Strike and Aerial siblings (Which they are).

But Athrun also felt pinged of sadness that Suletta reminded him too much of Nicol, his friend, and the then-destroyed GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam, as both of them had that open-hearted and pleasant feeling every time he talked or was near her. However, it also fulfills his resolve to stop the war, as the cycle of hatred would just continue.

"Hello, Athrun-san!" Suletta called out to the Coordinator with a wave as she jogged towards him.

"S-Suletta, how can I help you?" Athrun asked as the girl stopped.

The Mercury Girl fidgeted her fingers with a sheepish look and then spoke, "Could you tell me about what Kira-nii-chan was like when you met him, since being childhood friends... I am very curious."

Athrun just smiled at her as he began to amuse her by telling her about Kira in the past, "Yes, I remember how I first met him in preparatory school... we were living in Copernicus, a city on the Moon Colony, as my mother was a botanist: A doctor of agriculture. She was involved in agricultural research on the moon and the PLANTs while Kira's parents came to the colony for work."

Then he sat on a nearby metal block and kept on telling.

"We met at school as both of us were smart and interested in robotics... which is why I got to know him and he knows me thus we became friends it was so simple."

Suletta pouted, a bit disappointed that the older brother she adored and loved in the past was... this. It broke her expectation, "Ah, that's so boring I wanted a manly scene where you both are delinquents who are rivals that hate each other but then became friends when fighting together against other gangs."

Athrun laughs at the absurd idea that both he and Kira are delinquents in Suletta's vision, "You read too much manga... Anyway, then one day my father called me to go back home to PLANTs. In the same year, the Yamato family also left the city and moved to the Orb Union-controlled space colony, Heliopolis."

"Probably due to the tension between the PLANTs and Earth Alliance just before Kira left, I built a robotic pet bird, Birdy, and gave it to Kira as a parting gift".

"Wait you made a pet bird that's awesome but what about your parents how did you feel when leaving Kira-nii-chan?"

"I was distraught but understood the danger since my father was Patrick Zala, a member of the council. He wanted to keep me safe while my mother was on Junius Seven working. He believed that PLANTs would be safe for all of us. Until a nuclear missile struck the PLANTs my mother was lost along with others during the Bloody Valentine."

Suletta knew about the Bloody Valentine tragedy but she didn't expect Kira-nii-chan's best friend's mother to be one of the victims.

"Then I joined ZAFT to avenge those who had perished including my mother, but I realize now the cycle of hatred would just continue it's why I joined Orb to stop this stupid war."

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