Unseen Trap

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"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


"Eh?/Huh?/Hah?/What?/EEEEHHH????" came the various replies of students as Shaddiq and Secilia giggled at the events unfold. 

"Now this is entertaining." Shaddiq laughed.

With the Jeturks, they're flabbergasted at their son/brother.

"M-M-Marry you?" Suletta stuttered as Guel pulled away his hands about to clarify what he meant.

"No way I already have my brother!" Suletta cried as she immediately went to the vehicle and drove away, leaving Miorine and Nyla.

"Oi, Suletta! You forgot about us!" Nyla yelled out as she and Miorine chased after the fleeing vehicle containing Suletta Mercury.

Guel notices the Haro drone camera, realizing it broadcasts his proposal to the whole school. He begs for the camera to be turned off while Kira just sheepishly chuckled.

"Well, this is awkward." Kira sheepishly replied as he scratched the back of his neck.

At the Earth House, it is the first time Lilique Kadoka Lipati has seen someone propose. For Martin Upmont, it is the first rejection he's seen, too. Chuchu (who had been cheering Kira on) scoffs because the duel turned out to be a lovers' quarrel, a sign of Spacians leading carefree lives.

Now back to the Dueling Committee... they've now calmed down.

"That quarrel aside, Kira-boyo's skilled." Secilia chuckled, "But in the end, Guel did lose, but in return, he got himself a challenge."

"I agree, it's been a while since Guel himself got a challenge." Shaddiq agreed, "Now it makes me want to fight Kira now." 

-Linebreak, its short but deal with it-

Representatives from five other companies meet with Vim Jeturk on Meet Cam.

"And? Can we expect your son to recover his status as heir to the Benerit Group? Mr. Jeturk." One of the representatives rhetorically asked Vim, who scoffed at his question.

"Please. It's beyond question."

"Well, he has lost twice. One to a 2-on-1 from those Mercury siblings and on a 1-on-1 to the son of the White Devil no less! If we don't see results soon, we'll have to cut back on your funding."

"We'll discuss that another time. That will be all." Vim then ends the meeting. Then he slammed his fist on his table, enraged at the duel, "Damn it! That devil... and his eyes. What were they?"


Class is about to begin and Miorine looks at Kira and Suletta, who are wearing their normal uniforms.

"What's with those uniforms?"

"I-Is there something wrong with our uniforms?" Suletta asked as she and Kira looked at their uniforms.

"Hand me your student notebooks, then." They handed their notebooks to Miorine, and taps the "Registrations" button on their notebooks. Then, Kira and Suletta's uniforms change. Kira is blue and white while Suletta is just white.

"The Holder has a special uniform as well as a unique pilot suit." Miorine explained as Kira and Suletta inspected their new looks. "You two should realize who you are now. The reigning Holders, my bridegroom and groom.

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