If I Could Take One More Step Toward You

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RF2: If you guys started here, go back to Chapter 7.

"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


Outside of the Earth House are the members of the Earth House themselves. Well, Kira and Suletta aren't with them since they're inside the House with Miorine, talking to Shaddiq and Sabina.

Anyways, Till touched the now shattered sign of the GUND-ARM Inc. as the others looked upset at that.

"This is a new low!" Martin said as he looked to the rest, "Are you kidding me? They change the rules just to stop us from starting a company?"

"Is it because we're Earthians?" Aliya assumed.

"Who cares about the rules?" Chuchu said with her arms crossed, "Let's do it anyway!"

Lilique then retorted Chuchu's words, "But if we do that, we could all be expelled!"

Nuno then looked back to their House, wondering what's happening inside, "What do you think they're talking about in there?"


Inside the House, Shaddiq and Sabina are drinking tea, courtesy from Aliya.

"This is quite good." Shaddiq commented as he looked at his tea.

"It's tea from Aliya-san's hometown..." Suletta said with a tray in her arms, "or so I'm told."

"Earth-grown, huh? No wonder." Shaddiq said as he was now called out by Miorine.

"So? What did you want to say?" Miorine asked, with Kira beside her.

Shaddiq put his tea on the coaster, "Why don't you seriously consider what we discussed in private the other day?"

"P-Private?" Suletta stuttered, now curious as Kira looked at Miorine.

"What did you guys talk about?" Kira asked.

"He wants us to join forces with him." Miorine answered Kira's question. Kira was about to say that's a good thing but Miorine beat him to it, "It's not a good thing." Then he went silent. Sabina then put her tablet on the table and slid it to Miorine to show a business transfer agreement.

"Here's the business transfer agreement." Shaddiq explained as Miorine took the tablet and read it, "You'll remain president of the company. Your team will still handle management and operations."

"The rules only apply to new startups." Sabina added, "An already-existing company can get away with it."

"For you, Miorine, it means maintaining the President's trust." Shaddiq then looked at Suletta, "Suisei-chan, get to protect the Aerial." He looked at Kira, "And you Kira Yamato, also get to protect the Strike." Then he looked back to Miorine, "I'm satisfied as long as I get a piece of the Gundam business. Not bad, right?" Then he put an arm on the table as Miorine looked at Shaddiq.

"May I ask one question?"

"Of course."

Then it's time to get to the bottom of this, "Are you the one who rewrote the rules?" Miorione asked as Suletta gasped when Shaddiq just stared at Miorine.

"Why would you think that?" Shaddiq asked as Miorine put the tablet back on the table.

"It's all too convenient. For the both of us." Miorine pointed out, "I know that's the way Shaddiq Zenelli does things."

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