The Return and Arrival of Two Swords

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"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


"Kira! If we survived this I'm going to kill you and your mom!" Miorine angrily shouted as the Strike and Aerial are spinning around the vortex, with the Panzer Eisen still latched onto the Aerial's right arm, "And when the hell is this gonna stop?! I'm getting dizzy!"

"Miorine, please don't kill Kira-nii-chan and Okaa-san!" Suletta shouted at Miorine, much to the girl's annoyance, "But Kira-nii-chan, what is this?! And where are we going?!"

"I don't kno-OH!?" The Strike and Aerial soon did a little stop in... space as they saw... another Strike, the same design as his own Strike but with green eyes instead of yellow, equipped with a light colored Aile Striker Pack. Behind the emerald-eyed Strike is a space station. A huge space station, "Another Strike?!"

"Strike-nii?!/Strike?!" Suletta and Miorine gaped at the sight of another Strike. Same goes to the Aerial as her eye's flashed.

Before the three (four) could ask, they were soon back to their journey.

Inside the Another Strike... is also Kira Yamato, wearing the Earth Alliance pilot suit.

"What the-?! Was that another Strike?!" (HSR) Kira asked as his eyes widened, trying to process on what happened, "And... it has another Gundam with it... Mou, the Amber Era really is different. Not only are they advanced, but they also have... God-like beings and fantasy stuff. Also... why the hell were they sucked out and sucked in by a portal? Were they travellers perhaps..."

Soon a video of a brown-haired female with purple eyes appeared on one of his monitors with a frown.

"Kira, come inside. The twerp's already here." Herta told Kira.

"Ah! R-Right!" Kira nodded as he made his Strike turn around and went back to the Herta Space Station.


As the three continued to scream as their Gundams are spinning around the vortex, their short journey through this vortex ended as they are met with... islands?!

"Islands?!" Kira gawked as the two Gundams were puked out of the Warp. The Warp became small as it went back into the Strike's crest and both Gundams are now using their thrusters to keep themselves steady in the air... with the Strike slowly descending because of the weight of the Multiple Assault Striker Pack that he is currently equipping. Suletta noticed this as she made the Aerial grabbed the Strike's arm, preventing the heavy-armed Gundam to descend.

"Are we in... Earth?" Miorine muttered as the Aerial looked around her surroundings, giving Miorine the 360 view, "But how... and how did your mother had that technology in your Gundam. Speaking of... What is with your mobile suit, Kira?! And why did it send us to Earth?!"

"I..." Kira muttered, trying to answer Miorine's question, but then he noticed a few visible lights not that far from the Gundams... Wait no... its a battle. And what caught his eye the most is a very familiar white ship, "No way... Suletta, follow me." Kira said as he went to the ongoing fight. Suletta was puzzled at that but she complied nonetheless as the Aerial followed the Strike.

"Are those..." Miorine muttered as her eyes widened, "Mobile suits, and ships... but they're also fighting... Are the Earthians fighting Spacians? No, those mobile suits... I don't recognize them."

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