Reflection in an Icy Eye

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"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


At the 3rd Tactical Testing Sector, Elan's F/D-19 Zowort evades attacks in a duel against three pilots from Daigo House.

"Wumei! Osh! Synchronize your timing!" Wangzi orders his two housemates, which they nod at his orders as their mobile suits surround the Zowort but Elan flies it upwards.

"Osh! Above you!" Wangzi tries to warn his teammate as Osh begins firing beams upwards to Elan, in which Elan gracefully dodges it.  Elan gazes down as every beam fails to hit.

"Now this is something." Shaddiq commented as he was accompanied in the lounge by Secilia and Rouji, "You don't often see Elan accept a duel."

"I wonder if a certain someone's bad habits are contagious." Secilia smugly said as she looked at Guel, which irritated him.


With the Earth House, the gang's watching.

"Three against one..." Chuchu commented on the duel that they're watching, "Just how conceited is he?"

"Show some pride, Daigo House!"  Ojelo cheers for Daigo House.

"Are you gambling on this again?"  Nika asked as she joined in while carrying some boxes.

"I bet 200,000 that Elan loses." Ojelo replied while Till and Suletta spectated while eating boiled eggs. Kira, doing maintenance to the Strike, still with its lost parts (shoulders, leg armor, and front skirts), just watched the duel through his notebook placed in his cockpit.

"Is that even a wise decision, Ojelo-san?" Kira asked once he heard that. Ojelo told him that it was a wise decision as the members who knew Ojelo the most sighed at him.


The Daigo House's mobile suit continued to shoot at the airborne Zowort with their missiles, and the Zowort countered the missiles with his beam bullets as they were destroyed in the process. Wangzi orders them to just try and shake them off. Elan points the Zowort's large propulsion unit forward and reverses.

The beams from his opponents' suits hit the ceiling with the explosions forming a large cloud. The Zowort exits the cloud unscathed and fires at Osh and Wumei's mobile suits, a beam destroys the blade antenna of one suit which accidentally turns and shoots off the blade antenna of its ally.

Wangzi called out to his defeated comrades as he cursed and ignited his beam saber to avenge his comrades. Elan also ignites one in response and closes in on Wangzi's mobile suit, stealing Wangzi's beam saber and slicing off his mobile suit's blade antenna. The Zowort leaves wielding two beam sabers. Elan has attained his ninth win.


Nuno covers his eyes and Ojelo is disappointed that he's lost 200,000. Lilique grins, "Looks like he won."

"How lame." Chuchu commented on the outcome of the duel, "Losing three against one..."

"You've got it wrong." Miorine said as she was beside the girl, "They played right into Elan's hands."


The remains of Wangzi's mobile suit start an electrical fire.

"It's burning, you know. Extinguish it!" The heat management system activates to extinguish the burning mobile suit.

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