Battle of Orb

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"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


The next day after Mu got his new Strike Kai, Suletta's Aerial got her own Striker Packs, and Kira's Strike got the new but complicated IWSP Striker Pack. The crews are doing their own thing, Kira helping Mu with his Strike Kai, Erica, and her fellow mechanics carefully studying the Strike's Warp Drive Engine (Because Kira requested them to check the engine carefully. He believes that a failsafe is in that said engine because... it's Prospera who installed that engine in the Strike, but he is in desperate need to know its secrets and how they could get home so he lets Erica and the rest commence some studies on the mysterious engine.), and Suletta and Miorine on maintenance duty at the Aerial in Kira's absence.

At Orb's main building where Lord Uzumi and the rest of the Orb Government officials are inside, they received what the Earth Forces called their "final warning", but the truth was that they were only being shown the Earth Forces' true colors that they had no trouble revealing now that they had lost Panama. Along with this, they also received information that an Alliance Fleet was already on its way to Orb, and somehow Carpentaria had found out about the situation and was now requesting a meeting as well.

Needless to say, Uzumi Nara Athha was furious at this, not only because the Atlantic Federation was now shamelessly showing its true colors, but also over the fact that the world was continuing to be forced into two camps because of the Federation. Knowing that even if they avoided a conflict today, they only be forced to fight in the war tomorrow, there was only one thing that the Orb leaders could do and it was not a hard decision.

That decision was soon passed on to Murrue Ramius aboard the Archangel, which led the former Earth Forces ship's captain to call the crew together for a meeting.

"An Earth Alliance Forces fleet is on its way here to Orb." Once Murrue announced that, all of the Archangel crew members began to murmur to one another, but that didn't stop Murrue from continuing, "The reason given is...unless Orb joins forces with the Earth Alliance and fights against the PLANTs... they will consider Orb a supporter of ZAFT."

Then more murmurs came, mostly all of them thought that this was outrageous.

"My hypocritical loser of a father might get along with the Earth Forces." Miorine thought out aloud as she clicked her tongue at the thought of her father and the Earth Forces.

"Yeah, I can imagine, Miorine." Kira joined in as he and Miorine imagined the interaction of Delling and the Earth Alliance.

Suletta decided to join in the imagination but... she imagined differently. What the girl imagined were stickmen versions of Delling and the Earth Alliance hitting each other.

"I don't know... Are you sure they're gonna get along?" Suletta asked as she looked back to Kira and Miorine. Kira just sheepishly chuckled and shrugged at Suletta, while Miorine just facepalmed and sighed at Suletta.

"The Orb government continues to stress its position as a neutral nation...and is calling out for diplomatic cooperation as we speak." With Uzumi, he and the rest of the Orb superiors are panicking in the room, with Uzumi being the calm one, "But unfortunately...judging from the latest reaction of the Earth Forces...we must say chances of avoiding battle are extremely low. Orb has given orders to its evacuate the city and areas close to military facilities."

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