Being The New Girl

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The pic is Astrid--^

I woke up to the feeling of the sun on my face and the gentle bumping of the car as it ran down the road I opened my eyes and looked around the town was small but nice everything you needed within a small driving distance. I saw the town from the bridge me and my mum and Rico were currently on I looked behind me and all I saw was the moving truck I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone and then grabbed my headphones that were laying next to me. I got comfortable in my seat and put the headphones on and then plugged them into my phone and found my songs before tapping the shuffle button and looking out the window for the rest of the journey. As we entered the town I saw Rico looking at me in the rearview mirror he then pointed to his ear as a sign for me to remove the headphones so I did.

"Well Astrid dear how do you like it," Rico said.

"Like what the new town or the fact that I had to move," I said.

"She can come and visit you if you like her that much," My mum said.

"Like Rico will let her in the house," I said before putting my headphones on and turning back to the window.

We got the house and it was a nice looking house it had a nice wooden look like a cabin in the woods I had a box of my stuff in my arms and I took a sigh.

"Why don't you go and get the first pick of the rooms," My mum said to me as she popped the keys on top of the box of my stuff in my hands.

I went into the house still with my box of stuff I checked out all the rooms and picked the one on the third floor it had a walk-in closet and a private bathroom perfect. I set my stuff down in a corner and then went to help with the rest of the stuff we grabbed box after box of things as we took them and put them in rooms that we planned to use for that place like kitchen items would go in the kitchen, dining room things went in the room we planned to use for the dining room so on and so forth. After all the boxes were gone from the car the movers helped with all the furniture helped to put the furniture together if needed and anything else that needed moving into the house about 4 hours later and the house was full of all our stuff.

"Thank you once again you lads were a huge help," Rico said as he waved to the movers as they got in their truck to leave.

"Anytime sir," One of them said and they drove off.

"Astrid you know you don't start school for another week so with all that free time how about you go and explore this town learn your way around your mother and I will handle your room," Rico said.

"Fine," I said grabbed a spare pair of keys and my phone and left.

The town was bigger than it appeared from what I saw in the car earlier it was full of shops restaurants and pubs all in the centre of town the only institution that was not in the centre of town was the school my school well my new one at the very least, damn it. THIS SUCKS I yell internally and I scowl at the school that I will be going to next week I then feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to a girl with blond hair behind me and she smiles.

"Hey," She said.

"Uh hi," I said looking to the ground at the side getting shy.

"Names Danna nice to meet ya do you go to this school I don't think I've seen you before," She said.

"I'm starting next week," I said.

"I see and I'm guessing judging by the look on your face that you are pissed about leaving all your friends behind," Danna said.

"Yeah," I said looking at the school.

"Hey I'm having a back-to-school party this Saturday you should come along make some friends I can introduce you to all my chums so you can hang with us," Danna said.

"Sure is it at your place," I asked.

"Yeah here I'll give you my number and text you the info tonight," Dann said as she took my hand and wrote her number on my hand.

"Thanks," I said looking at my hand.

"No problem well I have somewhere I do need to be so I'll see ya Saturday," Danna said as she walked off.

I had seen all of the town I wanted and needed to sleep so I headed home on the way I plugged in the numbers for Danna as a contact I got home and wiped out on the first sofa I could find. I woke up to someone poking my face I pulled my eyes open and then I almost choked on my own voice as I saw Nicholas, my brother I jumped up and hugged him as he just laughed and picked me up in a hug.

"Hahaha I see you're as lively as ever," He said as he let me down.

"Only when you are around," I said.

"Well, it's good to see you," He said.

"Same but where the hell have you been," I said.

"Ehh overseas here and there you know how it is," He said.

"Oh yeah I forgot that you translate for international business meetings," I said.

"Yeah but I am only able to stay until a week after you start at your new school," He said.

"Why is that," I asked.

"Your brother is very busy and has a big deal to close with a production company," My mum said as she came in.

"Thanks, for telling her for me mum," Nicholas said.

"Doesn't matter I needed you to end this conversation quickly as I have dinner on the table so let's eat," My mum said.

"You know we could have just continued the same conversation at the dinner table right," Nicholas said as he and my mum walked off to the kitchen.

"Oh, I forgot to mention I was invited to this back-to-school party being hosted by this girl I met today who goes to my school she invited me to let me meet her and her friends this Saturday," I said as I entered the dining room.

"Sure but be safe and no being out after midnight," My mum said and I nodded taking a seat.

I had a good meal that night and I talked with my brother until about 2 in the morning as we caught up he always had great stroys from all the places on earth he has been to and it was great to see him again after so long.

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