Not A Word

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Pic--^ Sylvia

it was my first day at a new school you know those feeling you get on days like this the butterflies and the fear of not fitting in and then you have all these questions flying through your head. Thoughts like where am I gonna sit at lunch will I make it to lunch without making enemies or will I be the enemy that all the kids begin to fear am I going to be popular or lonely? Well, I didn't have any of those feelings even before the starting bell I was already hanging out with a fun group of people Danna and her posse as I had come to calling them when they weren't around obviously. We were all talking about what happened in this school the kinds of people to ally yourself with and the people and places to avoid it was nice and I was thankful for it.

"So think you're ready for a day of learning and excessive boredom," Erza said.

"Is it really that bad around here?" I said.

"Well I guess it does depend on the classes you get, a few of the teachers here are cool and at the same time others are complete assholes with Mr Willthorn being the absolute worst of the lot," Erza said.

"True dat," Noah said.

"Why is he so bad what did he do?" I said.

"It's not what he does it's what he says there was this girl that he would always have these talks with after class and we don't know what he said to her but she always left crying and there was nothing we could do as there was no evidence to support our claim," Danna said.

"Yeah but we were able to get the teachers to keep her out of his classes for the rest of her time in this school and she seems to be doing better," Noah said.

"Will all students please make their way to the main hall for class allocation," Said a voice over a PA system.

"And so it begins," Lala said.

We all joined the mass of kids walking to the main hall and I took a place behind Danna the teachers would call out names and then their class they would go to the back and pick up a booklet with their name on it. I was put in class 3-X whatever that means thankfully I was put in the same class as Danna, Josie, and Erza there was also this other girl that caught my eye mainly because out of the kids in my class she stuck out. The way she looked the way she dressed it was like the opposite of the rest of the school's aesthetic I kind of liked it she was also quiet as the rest of us talked she just stood there.

"Hey check it out we dodged a bullet with this class," Danna said showing me all the teachers we had.

"What," I said.

"Look at the list Mr Willthornis nowhere to be seen," Danna said.

"Oh, I see, great," I said but my mind was still on that girl.

"So we have no Mr Wilthorn and we have Miss Woodwell," Danna said.

"What's so great about Miss Woodwell," I asked.

"The fact that she is the complete opposite of Mr Willthorn," Danna said.

"So those who have talks with her come out smiling," I said.

"Smartass," Danna said lightly shoving me.

We were then headed off to our first class of the day I took the seat third from the back and Danna took the one to my right Josie and Erza were in front of us but in the front row.

"Okay class unlike some other teachers I am not going to throw you in at the deep end with a lesson all I will be doing today is going over the new syllabus of the school year and your homework for the next three weeks will be to go over it," Said the teacher and the class cheered.

As the teacher went over the syllabus I just looked around and I saw in the corner next to the widow in the very back row that girl just looking out the window still that look she had earlier like this world bores her or something.

"So I see you noticed Sylvia," Said Danna.

"Who?" I asked.

"Sylvia now you are probably wondering what it is about her well she doesn't speak and I don't just mean that she is quiet I mean she literally does not speak I don't know if it is because she can't or something if happed to make her mute but no one has got a word out of her the whole time she has been at this school," Danna said.

"Hum so what do you know about her?" I said turning back to her.

"Nothing apart from everything I just told you I find it hard to hang out with someone who can't speak I mean you get that right," Dann said.

"I get that it might be hard but it's not impossible," I said.

"You wanna try talking with her be my guest but don't say I didn't warn you," Danna said.

"There is more than one way to answer a question," I said still looking at Sylvia.

It came to lunch and I decided to talk to Sylvia I told the others about my plan and they all acted just like Danna did not sure how I feel about that but I had a plan nothing ventured nothing gained.

"Hey so your Sylvia," I said.

I then realised that I was unsure of what to expect but at least she looked up.

"Wow your really good at that," I said noticing the drawing in front of her.

I sat down across from her and she just looked at me.

"You know if you want you don't have to think like you have to speak to me if you want I can ask questions and you can just nod or shake your head," I said.

She was still for a moment before nodding her head making me smile.

"Great so do you like to draw?" I said.

Sylvia nodded.

"Have you been drawing long?" I asked.

Sylvia looked confused.

"Stared recently?" I said.

Sylvia nodded.

"Before starting at this school?" I asked.

Sylvia shook her head.

"Was it in the first year?" I asked.

Sylvia nodded.

"May I?" I said pointing at her pad.

She hesitated but then slid it over to me I flipped through all the pages and they were full of incredible drawings as I looked at them I realised that she had a thing for wolves.

"Guess you like wolves," I said.

Sylvia nodded.

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