Unwanted Answers

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Sylvia looked at me I kept my smile for as long as I could I was just about to let my smile fall when she pulled me to her and she pressed her lips to mine her eyes were pressed closed so I placed a hand on her cheek and kissed back. I closed my eyes as the kiss got deeper and then suddenly Sylvia pulled away she had a small smile on her face and was looking at me expecting me to say something.

"For someone that doesn't speak that kiss was worth a thousand words," I said.

Sylvia's smile grew.

"Is it worth me asking why you kissed me the other day?" I said.

Sylvia looked at me and I sighed.

"Guess not well do you wanna get together it will be a challenge hanging out since you don't talk but how about you come to mine after school you can meet my mum and stepdad," I said.

Sylvia was still for a moment then nodded.

"Cool when are you next free," I said.

Sylvia put her hand up and moved then like scales as if to say whenever.

"Cool so you wanna come over tomorrow," I said.

Sylvia nodded and I smiled.

"So lastly I won't force you to but you wanna hang with the rest of my friends I mean if you and I are together now it will be hard to still be friends with them if you don't at least hang with them once in a while," I said.

Sylvia then had a worried look on her face.

"Like I said I won't force but we can start slow just one or two the two I trust," I said.

"Sylvia got her phone out and was tapping on it quickly I then got a text on mine from her reading "not today. Sorry," I slimed and looked at her.

"Don't worry you can wait until you are ready. wanna go for another kiss," I said.

Sylvia nodded and we kissed once again before I decided I had kept Danna and the others waiting long enough. I made my way to the old bike sheds where Danna said to meet her.

"Hey, there you are what took you so long," Danna asked.

"Well, I was gaining a new friend let's say," I said.

"Who," Danna asked.

"I can tell ya," Noah said.

"Huh, how," I said.

"Well I saw you and her becoming friends, and that is one hell of a keep-your-mouth-shut look you got there," Noah said with a wink.

"I'll tell you later," I said as I walked up to Danna.

"Sure," Danna said.

"So what's this surprise," I said.

"This way," Danna said and we walked into a really overgrown part but after walking we came to a small wooden shack.

As we walked to the shack, I heard a voice on the inside and when the door was opened I saw Lala and Hattie in a full-on make-out session as Josie and Erza talked about nothing important by the sound of it. I looked around the shack and it was decked out with all these chairs sofas and tables it had a few lamps and a few chests of draws with what I guessed was food from what Danna grabbed from one of the draws.

"Here try this" Danna said handing me something in an air-sealed bag.

"Wow it's good what is it," I said swallowing it.

"It's called a flying saucer it's basically rice paper which are shaped like discs and filled with sherbet," Danna said.

"Guess explains the huge pop of flavour," I said.

"Here you can finish the bag if you like," Danna said placing the bag in my hand.

"Uh thanks, so what is this place," I asked.

"At first it was a place for us to skip class but now it is just a place where we hang out since we are the only ones who know where it is or that it exists so we need you to keep it a secret from others unless we say so got it," Noah said.

"Okay, but what is it," I said.

"We don't know maybe it was an old clubhouse for a sports team that no longer plays here or something but when we found it it was like it had been abandoned since the school was built," Danna said.

"So now if we're looking for some private time we come here," Lala said before Hattie pulled her in for another kiss their intensity was getting to the point that they don't care that we are here.

After showing me this place they said if I ever needed a place to cool off then I should come here as the door was always open since it had no lock on it. I got home and told my mum and dad that I was having a friend over tomorrow and they agreed my stepdad with slight concern but I just scowled at him. I sat back on my bed and texted Sylvia saying if she was still on for tomorrow and she replied after a few minutes saying that her parents don't care where she is. I smiled and laid back and just lay there with my mind on Sylvia before my mother called me for dinner they asked about my friend and wasted no time telling my stepdad that she was a girl and that I liked her and that there was nothing he was gonna do about it. Thankful my mother took my side on this one and told him to back off which he did if not reluctantly.

The next day I found Sylvia by the old school building looking at it the building was old and wooden but had been declared as not safe and made off-limits to faculty and students.

"Hey you cool," I said.

Sylvia just looked at me with no emotion but still nodded.

"You wanna break the rules and go take a peek inside," I said turning to the building.

Sylvia looked at me with hopeful eyes and headed in, we were caught and told never to do it again but I could see that Sylvia enjoyed herself as the end of the day rolled around I found Sylvia waiting for me by the front gate.

"Ready to go," I said.

Sylvia nodded and I led her to my house.

When we got home I introduced her to my parents and then we went up to my room I sat on my bed and patted the place in front of me for her to sit down and she did. I looked at her and she pulled out her phone and typed that she had something to show me I nodded and she went through her phone and then finally she shakily turned it around to me. What I saw horrified me beyond words now it was my turn to not be able to speak.

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