A Good Night

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This pic is Danna --^

I received the fated text from Danna a few days prior and planned my journey and outfit the only thing I had not figured out is transport I applied the last of my make-up as Danna suggested. I left my room and headed downstairs I said goodbye to my parents and was about to do the same to my brother when he offered to drive me and pick me up.

"Thanks for doing this by the way," I said as I sat in the car.

"No problem anything to help my baby sister," He said.

"I wish you could stay longer," I said.

"So do I but hey me and Bella can come to stay over this Christmas if you like," Nicholas said.

"You think Rico will like that," I ask.

"He doesn't have a choice," Nicholas said.

Nicholas got to the party a few hours later and I thanked him before getting out of the car and he said he would be at a cafe he saw two streets down that was open 24 hours so I could stay as long as I liked. I watched him drive off and out of view before I turned and headed up the porch Danna's house was huge and I could hear the music from the street I knocked on the door and Danna opened it and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you could make it," She said pulling away.

"Same here I guess," I said.

"Your gonna have fun come on I'll introduce you to all my friends," Danna said.

Danna then grabbed my hand and pulled me through her house to the garden where there was a bone fire and a bunch of kids sitting around it and talking.

"Hey jerks," She said and a few kids turned to look at her.

"Sup nerd," One of them said and they both laughed.

"Well everyone this is the girl I was telling you about," Danna said.

"Hi," I said.

"So this is Hattie, Lala Josie Noah and Erza," Danna said and as she said their name they all nodded.

"Come sit the fire is supper warm," Erza said.

"Thanks," I said taking a seat and Danna sat next to me.

"So in typical Danna style, she told us almost everything but your name," Noah said.

"Oh my name is Astrid," I said.

"Astrid huh that sounds like a name of Greek origin," Lala said.

"Old Norse origin actually," I said.

"Nice," Noah said.

"So Danna says you will be going to school with us starting next week," Erza said.

"Right," I said weakly.

"I guess that's a sour spot for ya my bad but hey you haven't even gone to school yet and you already have an amazing bunch of friends to hang with," Erza said and they all nodded.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem," Noah said.

"On another note how are things with you two," Danna said looking at Hattie and Lala.

"If you referring to the house well we have almost finished the renovations we should be ready to have visitors by next week," Said Lala and I was surprised.

"Do you two live together?" I asked.

"Yep, we are also together," Lala said as she put and hand on both Hattie's shoulders and got all close and lovey.

"Well that knocks two off my list," I said jokingly.

"Wait so you are into girls too," Hattie said.

"Yeah have been for a long time my mum didn't care but my dad took it hard so much so that he limited my time with my first girlfriend," I said.

"Oof sounds rough," Danna said.

"How about your mum you said your dad limited the time you two had together but what about your mum," Lala said.

"Well, whenever my dad was out at work and it was just me my mum and my girlfriend she would not so subtlety tell us to go enjoy each other but we never went so far I mean we did but that was only when she found out I was leaving it was her goodbye present for me I guess," I said and a few them said awww.

"Was she any good?" Erza said.

"Oh shut up Erza," Noah said giving him a shove as the others booed and we all laughed.

"Well, that's my relationship over any others I should know about," I asked.

"No, but me and my boy Noah do have an apartment together but we are roommates other than lovers," Erza said putting an arm on Noah's shoulder pulling him in for a nugy before Noah pushed him off.

The rest of the night I spent with them and when the fire began to die down I sent a message to my brother asking him to come and pick me up I was waiting on the sidewalk and then my brother pulled up and before I got in I heard Danna calling me.

"Hey before you go here take this it is a map of the school I know my way around but this might help you on your first day," Danna said handing me a small folded piece of paper.

"Thanks, Danna," I said taking the paper and hugging her.

I went straight to bed after getting home that night I didn't even brush my teeth I mean it was already past midnight and I'm not a morning person so It seemed like the smart thing to do at the time. I woke up the next morning and took a shower to wake myself up after changing into something clean and confutable I headed downstairs my bother was crashed out on the couch I smiled slyly and jumped on him and woke with a yell.

"AHHHHHHH... Astrid what the hell" He said chucking a pillow at me.

"HAHAHAHA Sorry but I could not resist you are too much of a scaredy-cat in the mornings," I said as I laughed.

"Uhhhhh leave me alone," He said flopping back into his pillow.

"You're also boring in the mornings," I said lightly hitting him with the pillow.

"Uh, huh" Was all I got.

"On another note that girl you talked with before getting in my car last night, she seemed really into you," Nicholas said.

"Don't go there it would tack someone of goddess-like beauty for me to get over her and start going out with someone new just like this I mean I only ended it with her 2 months ago and no offence to Danna's looks but she is not on that level of beauty," I said.

"But you will find someone else right," Nicholas said.

"I hope I will but I have no idea how much time that will take," I said.

"Well don't take too long take it from me I guy who almost lost it all because he waited too long," Nicholas said.

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