Big Questions

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The class was coming to an end and I was ready to leave and not worry about Mr Willthorn ever again the bell sounded and I packed up my stuff but just as I made my way to the door I was told to stay behind. Danna gave me a worried look which I smiled at to say don't worry as she left to wait for me outside the classroom for me after all the kids were gone I went and stood at the front desk and waited for Mr Willthorn to explain why I was told to stay behind.

"So Astrid correct," He said gesturing me to take a seat.

"Yeah," I said sitting down.

"Don't worry I won't take much of your time just a few questions," He said.

"Sure however I may choose not to answer you," I said.

"Right well I noticed that you and that girl Danna were friends am I correct in assuming that," He asked and I nodded.

"Good because I am afraid that she may be slipping back into old habits," He said.

"What kind of old habits," I said.

"I'm not a liberty to say you'll have to ask her but as her friend, I would like you to help keep her on the right path, the academic path," He said.

"As her friend, I intended on doing what is best for her can I go now," I said.

"Yes," He said nodding as I got up.

"What was that about," Danna said as I came out of the class.

"Nothing Important," I said as we walked down the hall.

I got to lunch and grabbed a sandwich I wasn't feeling too hungry I had too much going on, for one Sylvia was still stuck in my head like a tattoo and I was wondering what kind of habits Danna was supposedly slipping back into guess I could ask her friends. I decided that Lala would be the best to talk to so at the end of the day after I got home I called her up.

"Hey, girl how are you doing," Lala said.

"Um hi, are you busy I was hoping to talk to you," I said.

"Sure girl I got some time what's up," Lala said.

"So don't ask where I got this but I heard that Danna might be slipping back into old habits I was hoping you could tell me what those habits were," I said.

"Sorry but Danna made me promise not to tell, no matter what," Said Lala and the cheerful happy girl voice she had was gone.

"Look I know you want to protect her but someone is worried that she may be slipping back into those habits and I want to help by stopping that from happening and I can do that a lot better if I know what those habits are," I said.

"I'm sorry," Lala said and she hung up.

"Damn it Lala," I said with a sigh.

I called up all the others and got much the same response making me so much more curious as to what it was that Danna was in danger of returning to, just how bad was it. My mum called me down for dinner so I put my phone down and headed down after that I went back up and lay on my bed and fell asleep must have been really tired. Now tell me if this is the same for you normally all my dreams begin the same way all these swirly neon-like smoke and then it all fades and the dream beings but I never know if it is a dream or nightmare. But this one was different I was unsure whether this was a dream or a nightmare I was laying on my bed fully awake I was in nothing but a tank top and my panties. I looked at the end of my bed and saw Sylvia there she was smiling she then began to move towards me she climbed on top of me and kissed me I just gave in and kissed back. I put my arms on her sides and she deepened the kiss it was just like that day in the mall she was pressing her lips to mine but still being so gentle I never knew a kiss could feel this good. It was only now in my dream that I was realising just how she was kissing me and how good it felt whereas at the mall she had caught me off guard and I couldn't take in what was happening or how it felt.

"Don't let me slip away," She said with a smile and I woke with a start to the sound of my alarm going off.

"Fine," I said.

I walked to school like any other day and it was only when I got to the front gate that I remembered that instead of looking for Sylvia I should just give her a text since calling her won't work.

Astrid: Hey can we talk like face to face there is something thing I need to talk to you about.

Sylvia: Okay when is your first free period?

Astrid: After third.

Sylvia: Same meet me in the library after third.

Astrid: Got it.

I put my phone back in my pocket and realised that she was a lot more talkative over the phone at least when someone else started the conversation I wonder if she ever talks again she will be like that. I got to my first class and thankfully we had our regular teacher so this class was already more enjoyable than yesterday Danna came and took a seat next to me and we smiled.

"Hey so after third I gotta do something you cool to wait up for me," I said.

"Sure," Danna said with a smile.

"Okay see you at lunch," I said.

The class was long and boring but I pulled through and by the third period I was focused on not only my meeting with Sylvia but also my dream with her "Don't let me slip away" I won't. The bell for the end of our third period went off and I waved to Danna and she said to meet the others out by the old bike sheds they had a surprise for me. I made my way to the library I got there and looked around the bookcases for her but she wasn't there I guessed she must be running late so I picked a spot and sat down waiting for her. I was only waiting for a few minutes looking out the window between two bookcases when I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see Sylvia standing there looking up slightly I mean I was taller than her by about half an inch.

"I'm glad you came," I said.

Sylvia nodded.

"So I want to talk to you because I have a small request," I said.

Sylvia looked at me questioningly.

"Can I borrow a kiss I promise to give it back this time?" I said with a small smile.

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