Tough Acceptance

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I was taking a shower in the bathroom that was linked with my room while Sylvia was changing in my room I told her she could borrow some of my clothes if she liked and she nodded before I headed to the shower. I came out in nothing but a towel and saw Sylvia in one of my old hoodies and some black leggings I looked at her outfit and smiled it fit with the clothes she usually wears. I put on some clothes too I wasn't afraid of changing in front of her it didn't bother me never has and never will I understand why girls like me who are gay would feel uncomfortable but not me.

"Hey, so today I was hoping to introduce you to my friends I think that the more friends you have the more protection you will have," I said pulling on the last part of my outfit.

Sylvia grabbed her phone and typed that she was still afraid to do it.

"How about I introduce you to two to start off with," I said hoping she would agree.

Sylvia typed out asking which ones.

"The best ones," I said smiling.

I took Sylvia to school with me and called up Lala and told her to grab Hattie and to meet me in the gym at lunch when I knew no one would be using it.

"Okay so meet me in the gym at lunch okay see you there," I said smiling at her before pulling her in for a sweet and short kiss.

Slyvia nodded and gave me a smile before we made our way to the school me off to find Danna and her pose and Sylvia to the library I assume it's not like she told me where she was going but she told me last night she liked to study. I found Danna sitting in an empty classroom as kids waited for the first bell calling us to make our way to homeroom before classes fully resume.

"Hey Danna where are the others," I asked seeing that other than us the room was indeed empty.

"Around," Danna said sounding bored and slightly angry.

"Then why are you here alone let's go find them," I said taking her hand.

"No, I'll stay," Danna said.

"Why," I said.

"You don't get it do you," Danna said with more anger now.

"Whoa what's wrong," I said.

"I know you have hooked up with Sylvia," Danna said and I was stunned.

"So why would that make you so angry at me," I said.

"Because I like you too I mean really like you," Danna said.

"Is that why you are so pissed?" I said.

"No, I'm pissed that you didn't say anything," Danna said.

"So, I am under no obligation to tell you or anyone who I do and don't hook up with," I said.

"So you don't think your friends would like to know and maybe the fault is mine for not conveying my feelings better but still," Danna said.

"Yes you would all want to know but you do not need to my love life is mine and mine alone if I choose to say it then I will say it until then I expect those who found out by other means to keep their mouth shut out of respect," I said.

"Sorry... I'll keep it to myself," Danna said.

"Danna I still like you as a friend and do not want to lose that," I said.

"Nor do I but I will need time to get over losing you, more so to Sylvia not that I hate her but... never, mind," Danna said.

"It's okay see ya later," I said.

As I got up to see if I could find the others the bell for homeroom sounded we were already in our homeroom class so I just took a seat at the back on the other side of the class. I sat in the back of all my classes as Danna sat in the front it was boring not having someone to talk to during my classes since Sylvia cant but she still sat next to me and we passed notes back and forth. Her notes made me laugh and mine made her smile ultimately making me smile she would often send me notes about how she was so thankful and I kept telling her there was no need. It was lunch and I was in the gym as previously planed Sylvia by my side and then Lala walked in hand in hand with Hattie they looked at me and Sylvia and I could tell that the look in Lala's eyes said she knew what was up.

"We are here what for," Hattie said.

"Cant you tell, look at them I mean really look at them," Lala said giving me a smile and glancing at Sylvia.

"I don't... wait... NO FUCKING WAY," Hattie said squealing and jumping up and down as if it were her birthday.

"I'm glad you both approve," I said lacing my fingers with Sylvia's.

"Oh hell yes you two look fucking great together are we the first to know," Hattie said.

"Sadly not but you are the first that Sylvia has agreed to meet now be slow she was hesitant to meet any of my friends," I said as we sat with the two of them and got to talking.

"You do know that we will wholeheartedly support and accept this but I hate to inform you that some will not," Hattie said.

"Yes I know Danna has already expressed her dissatisfaction in my decision," I said the thought of having possibly lost a friend saddening me.

"Well if she ever gives you any shit you have our support," Lala said giving Sylvia a sweet smile and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder with Hattie nodding in agreement.

Sylvia smiled at them in a thankful manner.

"Well there is one more thing that I need you to help us with where ever possible," I said giving Sylvia a look and she shakily nodded.

"Anything," Lala said.

"Sylvia's father is a vile man so much so that whenever she is in sight he beats her and I worry for how much longer she must endure it, is there anything you can think of that would help," I said my voice pleading for their help.

"Well we can't help but we know someone who can," Hattie said.

"Grate who?" I asked.

"Slow down we know someone who can help but they may not want to help you," Lala said.

"Why," I asked.

"Well to get to them we must go through her daughter and that right there is the problem as she may not want to help you," Lala said Hattie nodding.

"Who is their daughter," I asked thinking I can't have made an enemy like that already, could I.

"Their daughter is, Danna," Hattie said.

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