Realising Love

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Now I don't believe in things like miracles, phenomenons and all that kind of magical stuff but it was a miracle that Danna's plan actually worked Erza did kiss Josie and then Josie kissed back. Suddenly within a few moments, they had forgotten that we were playing the game and were more interested in each other and the feeling of one another's lips I suspect. Noah cleared his throat they broke apart and turned to look at us and our no doubt huge and annoying grins plastered across our faces they glared at us and we just laughed.

"Alright, whos the real mastermind behind this," Erza said I gave Danna a quick look and she nodded.

"It was Danna's idea but I helped," I said.

"Of course it was," Josie said.

"Come on you know as well as I do that if I hadn't stepped in then this never would have happened," Danna said.

"So what you decided to give us some divine intervention miss Diana," Erza said and Danna bowed.

"Right well I'm happy for you both but can we get back to shopping now? You know. The real reason we came here," Hattie said.

"Sure let's get going," Danna said and we all stood up.

We walked around for a good few hours stopping off in multiple shops and buying clothes and jewellery that we liked and that weren't too expensive since I had hardly any money. Danna did offer to pay for anything I wanted but I defensively said no and didn't let her get me anything that was high in price the way she was asking was oddly flirtatious. I ignored her advancements so as to not give her the wrong idea I will admit she is beautiful but I just can't seem to find a reason to want to be in a romantic relationship with her.

"You know what we should do now, get tattoos I know a great tattooist around here," Noah said.

"Yeah I'm down actually already have a few," Hattie said.

"Really," I said.

"Yeah she has a few but as you can see she is always wearing a hoodie so you never see them but I've seen them," Lala said giving Hattie a kiss and she kissed back.

"Well, I have always thought about getting one how about you," Danna said looking at me.

"Oh I already have one," I said and Danna's eyes widened.

"What you do, let's see," Danna said and the others nodded.

I took off the top I was wearing and then showed the one on my shoulder I was a little embarrassed not knowing if they would like it but my fears were put to rest when they smiled.

"Nice how about you get another with us," Noah said.

"Sure," I said.

Noah took us to a shop called The Body Ink Shop I smiled at the name and walked in when we all got inside I was surprised to see what I saw it was Sylvia she was sitting in a chair as one of the artists inked her up. As I looked at her I was surprised to see the number of tattoos she had almost her whole arm on both sides well one arm did have a sleeve so I guess that's to be expected. When she was done she paid the guy and then that's when she noticed the rest of us her eyes scanned the room and finally landed on me and I smiled and I noticed the faintest smile on her lips.

"Hey Noah what's up," Said the guy who was giving Sylvia her tattoo and was now behind the counter.

"Yeah got some friends who wanna get inked up," Noah said.

"Sure have them take a look around and when they find what they want, have them come and talk to me," Said the guy as he pulls a magazine out and began flipping through.

"Hey you, you come here often," I said.

Sylvia just looked around the shop.

"Just this shop," I said.

Sylvia nodded and her smile got bigger.

"Wanna help me pick out a tattoo," I said.

Sylvia nodded.

"What gives Astrid you didn't tell us you were friends with her," Erza said draping his arm over my shoulder.

"So Danna didn't tell you," I said.

"Danna doesn't tell us anything," Noah said as he began flipping through a book on the wall of tattoo designs.

"Well then here is the gist of it me and Sylvia have been getting to know each other we have been becoming friends," I said.

"Think she can be friends with all of us," Noah said and Sylvia looked a little uneasy.

"Well, that sucks," Erza said.

"So let's just find me another tattoo," I said and Sylvia perked up.

Me and Sylvia walked around the shop going over all the different designs and soon Sylvia stopped in front of one I turn to look at her and then at the design she was looking at.

"You think that one will look good on me," I said.

Sylvia nodded.

"Well, then let's get me inked up," I said.

Sylvia smiled at my remark as I pulled the design off the wall and took it to the tattoo guy he looked at it and smiled as he led me to the chair and asked where I wanted it I had it on my left arm just below the shoulder. While I was getting the tattoo all the others had found designs that they liked and within an hour we all had our tattoos and were just waiting for them to dry. We were about to leave and Sylvia pulled on my arm I told the others I would catch up with them later they said they would be on the third floor.

"Something wrong," I said.

Sylvia grabbed my hand and pulled me off to a corner of the mall and began typing on her phone she then showed it to me and it was her number I smiled and took it down in my phone.

"That all," I asked.

Sylvia shook her head.

"Then what is it," I said.

Sylvia then looked a little afraid.

"Hey listen you can tell me anything it's cool I won't tell anyone," I said with a smile.

Sylvia had a questioning look on her face and then she looked at me and I smiled she grabbed my hand again and pulled me off to a small secluded area that was in between two shops. She then grabbed me by the side of my collar and pulled me into her crashing her lips into mine and didn't break apart I was so shocked that I didn't realise that she had wrapped her arms around my neck.

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