Life Goes On

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I was struggling to keep my eyes open in my math class the next day but I wasn't falling asleep, mum zero me one, well I guess having Danna poke me whenever my eyes dropped helped. She did it with a smug look on her face since she knew that I would be feeling like shit in the morning after the party last night so she was most likely doing it so I would owe her in the future. I have no problem owing others but that is only when they ask for something that carries the same amount of worth as the thing they did to gain that favour.

"So how was Lisa's party?" Danna said at lunch that day.

"Whoa hold up when did she go an L party," Noah said.

"Last night," I said.

"So what happened," Noah asked.

"You want me to answer honestly or in a way that doesn't make you pissed you weren't there," I said.

"Now you have to tell us the fucking truth," Lola said.

"The whole truth," Hattie said.

"Well I went to the fortress used the special password that my info broker gave me did a few rounds and got out with two tons of gold," I said.

"Okay I got most of those metaphors but what does the gold mean," Noah said.

"It's a girl thing that I think only Lola and Hattie will understand," I said.

"Oh don't worry we totally got it and your secrets safe with us," Lola said with a wink and I nodded back at them.

"Hey you, communicated with Sylvia today," Erza asked.

"No, I haven't seen her all day, which isn't anything out of the ordinary so I guess just wait until she comes to me," I said.

I got home and my mum was waiting for me a little disappointed and I could tell why I sat next to her as talking with her always seemed to work probably the only family in which that works.

"So I know why you look sad but look you know me, your seriously telling me that you didn't even slightly suspect that I might actually be able to keep my eyes open," I said looking at her.

"Are you sure because I don't think I do know I feel like I am losing you," My mum said.

"Yes, mum I am still that girl with the interest in photography and the singing voice that you said would get me on T.V. I am still all those things and more, okay you just don't know about the more part because that's my part," I said.

"Are you sure?" My mum said.

"Yeah because no matter what at the end of the day I am still you little girl just with a few walls, walls that you can walk through without needing to see what they are made of if you ever need your daughter I will be there," I said my mum smiled and we hugged.

"Now go do your homework you're not napping until it's done," My mum said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am," I said going to my room.

I got all my homework done like my mum asked and then cashed out on my bed waking up a few hours later I headed down the stairs and my parents left some food with a note. I read the note and discided to take the food up to my room as the note said they won't be home till late which wasn't odd just rare I sat in my room and watch Netflix while I ate before going to bed early. I woke up and did my morning routine and headed to school and somehow began thinking about Sylvia DAMN IT I thought, I was trying to keep her out of my head and not looking where I was going and bumped into her.

"AHHHH Shit sorry, Oh Sylvia," I said rubbing my head.

Sylvia just looks at me.

"You okay," I ask.

Sylvia just nodes.

"Need a hand," I say getting up and offering her my hand.

She takes my hand I pull her up and give her a smile.

"Hey, I missed you yesterday were you sick or something?" I asked the kiss starting to replay in my mind.

Another nod from Sylvia.

"Well I'm glad your back and hope your feeling better but we should get to school before we're late," I said.

I got to school and turned to see that Sylvia had disappeared and I felt sad but pushed that feeling out I went to my locker and grabbed my books for my first class. I closed my locker as the bell for first period went off and I made my way down the hall I sat in my favourite seat second from the back right next to the window and Danna sat next to me.

"Hey there," She said.

"Hey" I replied.

"Not still tired are you," Danna said.

"No just lost in thought," I said looking out the window and a storm that was rolling over the horizon.

"Looks like rain you bring an umbrella," Danna asked.

"As strange as it seems I don't own one," I said.

"Really," Danna said.

"Uh hu," I said.

"Well if it rains wanna share mine," Danna said.

"Sure," I said as the teacher walked in.

"Oh shit, I was afraid of this," Danna said.

"Is that?" I said not finishing.

"Yeah, Mr Willthorn," Danna said coldly.

"Hello class, sadly your teacher called in ill today so for first to third, I will be covering this class my name is Mr Willthorn understood," Mr Willthron said.

"Yes, sir," A number of kids said were the others just nodded.

"Good now your teacher gave me an email with the basic rundown of what you've been doing up until now and how far you have all gotten and I am pleased that you are all relatively at the same place," Mr Willthorn said.

"Are we going to have a fight like that girl you told me about?" I said my voice only audible enough for Danna to hear.

"I think the best we can do is what he says and keep our heads down and try not to catch his eye, you know faded into the crowd," Danna said and I nodded.

The being of the class was fine he had simple questions on the board and we were answering them as best we could the problems began to arise when kids began asking for bathroom breaks. Each kid who asked got the same response to hold it sure the guys might be able to but girls have a much harder time thankfully I didn't need to go so I kept quiet but I could sense the rising tension and hatred in the air aimed at Mr Willthorn.

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