Always By My Side (End)

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It was two days since my parents said that we would talk about the situation with Sylvia, Danna and the others had come over every day to give me and Sylvia who still refused to leave my side any homework the school may give us. Even when there was none they still came over and we just talked about all that has happened at school news of me waking up had spread and the school now eagerly awaited my return. I may not have been at the school but I will admit I was enjoying all the fame from the others and I couldn't wait to return and reap the rewards of this fame.

My mum and dad had come over and were talking with the doctors about bringing me home and soon we were all in the car on our way home after the doctors gave me the okay. I sat in the back with Sylvia I was still feeling weak and tired I rested my head on her shoulder and moved closer to her before closing my eyes and using her as a pillow. I woke up with her stroking my hair she yanked her hand away as soon as she saw my eyes open I smiled kissed her and told her she could always stoke my hair if she liked. We all got out of the car and my parents took me into the house with a little help from Sylvia after all it had been a week and a bit since I last used my legs.

"So what's going on," I asked sitting in the kitchen.

"Well after we saw you at the hospital we talked with Sylvia here and she said that her mother was not seen as fit to take care of her but she refused to be away from you as you slept. When we came to see you she had a talk with us in her own way by writing things down and she begged for us to adopt her so when you did finally awake she wouldn't have to leave the one she loved as the alternative was a care home. The way she spoke so highly of you and what you risked for her general safety made us consider her offer after that and her word we both saw just how much you ment to one another and the next day accepted and a day before you awoke we signed the papers," My dad said.

"What about her mum," I said.

"She has agreed to this and had promised to meet with her daughter whenever she can," My dad said.

I smiled and hugged Sylvia as she buried her face in my neck my mum and dad had given Sylvia a room of her own but I think they knew that she would hardly ever use it. The only use I could see her having for it was if she needed some alone time and I was otherwise engaged with my friend's which reminds me to reduce that possibility I should get them and her better acquainted. We were in my room Sylvia in my arms her back leaning on my front as I had my chin on her head and had my arms around her as she rubbed my arm up and down.

"Hey, I have a question that I have been afraid to ask you about for a while," I said.

Sylvia moved her head to look at me as if to say ask.

"Do you think now that your life will be so much better you will one day regain the ability to speak?" I said.

Sylvia was silent for a moment before she moved so she was straddling me and kissed me hard her lips were so soft she broke the kiss and then hugged me and as she hugged me I heard it.

"I already have thanks to you," She whispered into my ear.

She... spoke I was stunned at first I pushed her back by her shoulders to get validation from her face she smiled and nodded at me I was still stunned that I didn't react for a moment I was still trying to come to terms with all this. When my mind was finally my own again I smiled and pulled her back into the hug and spoke back to her "Your voice is beautiful just like you" I said and I felt her tighten the hug.

I knew at that moment that this life of ours on this day was only the start, the start of something new, something new and beautiful and something that I would treasure until I died.


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