Justice Though Pian

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I was in Danna's house and we had all the others there as we informed them of the plan Danna had told the others as protection or a failsafe if anything went wrong. I just hope that it doesn't end up like that given the plan I feel if it does fall apart I may lose Sylvia or vice versa.

"This all sounds like a sound plan but may I remind you all our plans start like that," Erza said.

"And all end with all hell breaking loose," Josie finished for him.

"That brings up a good point when do any of our plans actually work I mean we plan we get there and all hell breaks lose," Noah said.

"That is why in this plan I have contracted a few helping hands," Danna said and two people entered one guy and a woman that looked around the same age.

"So you got your mum and dad to help us," Erza said.

"Yes, and our daughter has gone over the plan with us and we agree that this will work," Said her dad.

"If our knight in shining armour is up for it," Her mother said.

"I still hate this plan... But I'm up for it," I said clasping Sylvia's hand.

"Good so we all agreed and know what to do," Said her dad and we all nodded.

I drove Sylvia to her house and when we got to her house was empty thank god so I drove my car behind the house so it was hidden and out of sight, we didn't want her dad to know someone else was there. After that, we entered her house and I took her to her room and set up all the equipment thankfully her room was big enough for three cameras and two microphones. The first camera was placed in her wardrobe with the door open just a crack so it could still see through the second was placed under her bed propped up to get a good view of the door. The third and final camera was on her shelf behind a few books so it wasn't seen we had to keep this all hidden or as the others said all hell was going to break loose. The microphones were set up with the camera on the shelf and the one on her wardrobe Hattie said that this was so that they could get proof that the sound wasn't added in later.

"It's me everything is all set up you guys in position," I said calling Danna.

"We're all good ready and waiting," Danna said.

"Okay, are you receiving a pitcher from the cameras," I asked.

"Like it's in 4K," Noah said.

"Yep we got it all we need to do is press record when this asshole shows himself," Danna said.

"Good tell me when he gets here," I said.

"Erza is waiting on the road leading to the house so he will notify you when he gets here," Danna said before I hung up.

"Well their all ready how are you doing," I said turning to Sylvia.

Sylvia gave me a weak smile before hugging me burying her face in my shoulder I placed my hand on her head and the other around her waist holding her tight.

"Don't worry I won't let him touch you," I said and she hugged tighter as if to say I know.

We were all waiting for about an hour and I was starting to think he might be a no-show but then Erza called me and I tensed up as I answered it.

"Yo it's me he just turned onto the road leading to the house he got suspicions about why I was here I told him a friend was picking me up and he seemed to buy it," Erza said.

"Thanks," I said hanging up.

Sylvia looked at me saying it he here.

"It's go time," I said.

I stood there in Sylvia's room as we heard the door open I felt the grip Sylvia had on my hand tighten we heard him walk up the stairs the door flung open and all although cameras may not have been able to capture it I saw the anger in his eyes.

"You again," He said and I scowled at him.

"Yes and I am here to tell you that this is a warning," I said trying not to shit myself.

"Warning of what," He said words lightly slurred from the beer had no doubt been drinking.

"A warning to stop hitting your daughter," I said as I felt Sylvia cower behind my hand still in hers.

"What the fuck are you talking about," He said the anger in his eye now seeping through his teeth in the tone of his voice.

"I'm talking about the fact that you beat her and you should stop before you dig your own grave," I said.

"I don't have to do anything you say if I want to hit my daughter I will damn well do so and there is nothing a little girl can do to stop me," He said stepping closer before I felt the sharp sting of his hand on my cheek knocking me to the floor.


We saw Astrid's body fall blocking the view from the camera under the bed I then saw him hit Sylvia and I flinched and looked to where my parents were to see that they were not there and were already on their way to the house. I got up and followed them they pulled out their guns and nodded before kicking down the door and yelling police and going straight up to Sylvia's room. By the time I got there, Astrid was still on the floor Sylvia silently crying by her side hoping she would wake up Sylvia's dad had his hands up my father told me to see to Astrid before he hit Sylvia's dad in the head and fell to his knees as my mum handcuffed him.

"What's the fucking charge," Her father said.

"Child abuse," My mother said.

"You have no proof," He said as he struggled in the handcuffs.

"As it turns out we do," I said as I got up and revealed the cameras hidden in the bookcase and wardrobe.

"Is your friend okay?" My father asked.

"She's fine she is just unconscious thankfully her neck isn't damaged she is going to have a headache but she will be fine," I said and my father nodded.

"So now what you take me to court," Sylvia's dad said.

"That is one option but let me warn you if you do exercise your right to take this to court you will lose more than your rights to your child," My mother said.

"When did the hell did I lose my rights to my child," He said.

"When we caught you hitting her on camera," My father said lifting him to take him out and to jail.

I stayed with Sylvia to watch over Astrid while my parents got Sylvia's dad into the car the others arrived soon after and Noah called an ambulance and Astrid was taken to the hospital.

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