Help Earned

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I was pissed and confused pissed at myself as I may have just shot our best plan to get Sylvia the help she needs in the face and confused because Danna had never told me. In either case, I was going to have to talk to Danna and try to make her see that we needed her help to get Sylvia the help she needs or at least some form of protection. Danna cant be that bitter about my falling for someone other than her... can she, I was sitting there worrying about how I was going to help Sylvia if I couldn't get Danna's help.

My hand was still in Sylvias and she gave it a squeeze sensing my mood and calming me down.

"Thanks," I said and she smiled at me.

"When you plan on talking to Danna we can go with you if you like," Lala said.

"Not that I wouldn't welcome your help but I feel like this is something I have to do by myself," I said as the bell for the end of lunch sounded.

"As if on cue," Hattie said.

"See you guys and thanks by the way," I said and they nodded as we left the gym for our next class.

I got to my class last and saw that the only seat left was right next to Danna and I was not sure whether to be happy or sad about that but there was nothing to be done about it so I just took my seat. I was going over tons of different scenarios in my head of how to ask Danna for her help but all scenarios ended up with me having to reveal everything to her, I didn't want to but Sylvia was at stake here or at least her health was. I decided that I would just have to tell her so I did I got her attention and explained it all to her the look on her face said she understood why I was asking for help but not that she was going to help.

"What do you want," I said with a sigh.

"Huh?" Danna said.

"Any normal person after hearing what I just told you wouldn't help unless they want something, so what do you want," I said.

"Are you calling me heartless?" Danna asked more surprised than angry.

"In the nicest way possible," I said.

"I can handle being called evil or mean and bitchy but heartless never," Danna said staring daggers at me.

"So you gonna help," I said.

"On one condition," Danna said.

"What," I asked.

"You do something for me," Danna said.

"Like what," I said my voice sounding slightly more angry than I was.

"Prove it to me," Danna said.

"What," I said.

"Prove to me that you truly do love Sylvia as you say you do and if I am convinced then I will help," Danna said looking out the window.

"So how do I do that," I asked.

"That's for you to decide if I told you then it would be too easy for you to convince me making this plan of you trying to convince me pointless," Dann said still looking out the window.

"Fine come to mine tomorrow after school," I said just as the bell went and I left without another word.

I got home and fell onto my bed I looked to the side my alarm clock said it was only 4 I thought about giving Sylvia a call before remembering she can't talk getting used to that is going to be difficult. I was then brought out of my thoughts by my laptop pinging me with a Facebook notification I got up to check it and was surprised it was Victoria, my last girlfriend, I have been really out of touch with her since I moved.

Victoria: Hey you enjoying your new school sorry for not checking up sooner but you know how it is at your old school.

Me: Okay I guess made some friends almost on day one.

Victoria: Wow really that never happens good for you.

Me: Yeah any way how are things with you?

Victoria: Not much but I have a new girlfriend... do you hate me.

Me: No I have one as well.

Victoria: Wonderful we should totally all get together one day.

Me: Well we can but it will be awkward since she can't speak.

Victoria: Oh really.

Me: Yeah.

Victoria: Do you know why she can't speak?

Me: Yes but without her permission, I am not allowed to tell anyone.

Victoria: How do you get her permission with her not speaking?

Me: Because she may not be able to speak but she can write Victoria.

Victoria: Oh right well I gotta go so we'll talk again soon ;).

Me: Sure :D.

I woke up at 5 the next day and realised that in my state if mined 5 is the latest it will get so I just lay there until my alarm went off and went to take a shower. I met up with Sylvia and told her about what we needed to do to get Danna's help but I assured her I had a plan and all she had to do was trust me she was hesitant but eventually nodded. I had to get through the day without letting the fact of just how scary this whole situation was, make me chicken out but sitting next to Sylvia in every class and looking at her beautiful face helped. She noticed a few times that I was staring and wrote down why and I just told her she was beautiful and she blushed bright red each time I swear this girl is perfect.

It got to the end of the day and I could tell that Sylvia was getting nervous until I realised that I hadn't actually told her my plan yet so I tapped her on the shoulder and whispered my plan in her ear. She looked at me and I smiled at her and she typed phone calling my plan half-assed and never going to work wow she can be mean, normally I would trust her but I knew Danna this was going to work. Danna texted me saying she would be late so me and Sylvia went home to my place just as the last bell sounded Sylvia still not liking my plan and me feeling proud of it. The two of us got to my place and my parents were out my first thought was perfect swiftly folwed by where the hell to it's not like there are that many places that they like the main reason they moved here was for their work. Anyway doesn't matter what matters right now is getting Sylvia the help and protection she needs Danna showed up a few minutes later and I took her and Sylvia to my room.

I looked at Danna and she looked back at me I nodded and pulled Sylvia closer to me before I closed my eyes and kissed her hard and passionately I poured all the love I could into that kiss in the hope it would show Danna how I felt.

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