[21] Battle On, Challengers!

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"hey" - PresentMic
"Hey" - Eraserhead
"Hey"- Midnight


"Good afternoon, listeners! Now we're on to the 3rd and final round, that will feature the 18students who made it through the previous round! It's a 1-on-1 battle!"

"Now let's start the group draw!" Their umpire Midnight announced.

"Ahm!" Shoji called as he raised his hand, catching everyone's attention. "Sorry, I'd like to quit.

Everyone gasped in shock; all of them asking why.

"It's about my pride. I hate it that I don't know anything that happened during the cavalry battle."

"I'd also like to quit. I as well am someone who made it to the finals without doing anything. Doesn't this go against the principle of the sports festival?" his teammate, Asui, agreed.

"Guys, don't blame yourselves. It's on me. I used my quirk on you. I know I should've asked but insecurities got ahead of me so I just..." Shinso hurriedly apologized.

"No, it's ok. I'd still like to quit, though, because like I said, I didn't know how everything played out," Asui comforted.

"Tell us how it went later, will you?" Shoji added, smile in all his mouth-turned dupli-arms.

Chrome also raised her hand. "Me too," she said, her voice as timid as ever. "I'd like to forfeit. I've over-used my quirk. I'm sorry."

"Such immature and naive statement..." Midnight drawled, drawing her whip upwards, then bringing it down with a snap as she exclaimed,  "I like it! You three are now forfeited!"

"Ladies and gentlemen! The final part that everyone's been waiting for is finally here! For the 1st match, Heroics Department, Midoriya Izuku! Versus! Heroics Department, Shinso Hitoshi! The rule is simple! If you knock your opponent out of the arena, or immobilize your opponent, or make your opponent surrender, you win! You move on to the next round of 1-on-1! Don't worry about injuries! We have Recovery Girl here! So throw away those temporary restrictions and go extreme! Go beyond! Plus ultra! Start!"

"So, how do we do this?" Shinso asked.

Midoriya smirked and fell into a fighting stance.

Shinso followed suit. They started encircling each other, and he said, "too bad you're stronger than me in hand to hand combat-" he dodged the right jab and the next flurry of attacks. But Shinso's quick reflexes led him to grab both the neckline of Midoriya's PE uniform and the hand that's on his head and threw him overhead with a loud, animalistic growl. "Do you ever know how hot you are when you fight?"

Midoriya blushed. He started another throng of furious attacks, if only to hide his giddy feelings. Really, this guy. "Now is not the time to flir-" then blank.

Shinso smirked. "I win. Walk out of the arena, sweetheart."

"Oi, what's happening?! Can't you do anything more exciting?"

"Shinso Hitoshi. His quirk is Brainwash. Anyone who replies to him will be bound to his orders. Midoriya will have to wake up if he wants to win."

A sudden and strong gust of wind rocked the arena. When the dust clears, Midoriya can be seen throwing Shinso a mocking look, foot an inch away from the boundary line. Everyone cheered. Bakugo can even be heard complaining Midoriya was reckless.

"Just kidding," the greenet taunted as he grabbed Shinso. "There is time for flirting and now is not it," he grinned and black flames enveloped them both.

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