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(Breath in...) SUMIMASEN DESHITA! Ahhhhh! I'm late! I'm sorry! I know I said I'm gonna post the sequel once posting OFAQAH is completed on ao3, but my brain wasn't cooperating, my imagination was too picky, and I just feel tired for no reason at all. And I've been having a perpetual headache, so the draft for the sequel isn't fully finished yet.

Anyways, lately I've found the inspiration to write after having this crazy idea of giving our grean bean a panic attack, so now I am writting in an inconsistent pattern. Like, yesterday I was on chapter 3, today I'd be writting chapter 7, then tomorrow I'd be writting chapter 1.
With that said, I'm gonna post for about once a month to accomodate my inconsistent and lazy ass. Apologies in advance if you've been waiting for sooo long.

BUT! The fluffy (hopefully. Turned out pretty angsty) sequel to this story is out now.

 Turned out pretty angsty) sequel to this story is out now

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Without further ado, shoo!

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