Chapter 3: Fight Song

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Lisa POV

When I came back home from the university. I immediately checked the car shop, and after that, I planned to help my mother in our small printing shop. When my mother sees me, she immediately hugs me so tight. I think she is very happy that I am now attending college, but little does she know that I am not yet starting to study there; I have already caused some trouble. Fuck!

I am very thankful to my best friend, Seulgi. She is my mom's helper when I am not around.

A: Lala, I am so proud of you. I know that they will accept you.

She continues hugging me tightly and kissing me like I am a baby.

L: Mama, stop. I can't breathe.

A: Alright! So, how was your day? Care to share something with Mama?

L: Hmmm. It was really good. I met a lot of beautiful faces today. I think they're happy to meet me too. Hehehe

A: Wow. That's good for you. Try to make new friends.

L: I am not finished molding them.

A: What!

L: You said I needed to make new friends.

A: By molding them? Lisa, don't start annoying me.

L: I don't need friends.

A: You need it because I am not happy when you only bond with Seulgi. She is your only friend.

S: Ouch... Mama, that hurt. You know Lisa; she is not likable. That's why I am the only friend she has. Hahaha

A: Seulgi, you know that is not true. My Lisa is very likable. There are plenty of women trying to get her attention.

S: Yes, mama. Because she has a dick, that's why those women came after her.

L: Take note of the long dick I have. But not all women want a dick from me. They like my touch and affection.

A: Hahaha, well, my baby is pretty and handsome too, Seulgi. But don't worry; I am so happy that you are always with Lisa. Don't be hurt; you know that I am just joking. I love you too, Seulgi.
By the way, I need to print something. I'll just leave you here.

S: Thank you, mama. I love you.

My mother is very sweet to everyone. I am very blessed to have her. I am full of love because of her. Then I remembered what I had done. I don't want to tell my mother. I have many secrets to her. I need to escape from those troublesome things I did earlier.

L: Bro...

Seulgi has examined my face for so long. She knows me well.

S: Lisa, I know how that looks. What did you do this time? And FUCK YOU!

L: Oh, what's that cursing for?

S: I know you. You are in trouble again. So FUCK you. I know that you will use me again.

L: I like that advanced thinker. And use you? I am not that kind of friend. But if you want to...

S: What the fuck Lisa! You're so gross.

I handed her the ID of Taeyung. Yes, Dao Ming Si is Taeyung. I got his ID without his notice.

L: Can you please ask Bam to search for information about this man?

S: Who is he?

L: He is a bully.

S: Bro, you are the bully person I have ever known. Hahaha shit Lisa, don't tell me, am I right that you messed up again?

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