Chapter 42: Sweet Child O' Mine

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Lisa POV

I want to sleep more, but I feel irritated by the sound of the alarm. And as far as I know, I am not using the alarm clock to wake me up; this is so frustrating to me. Ah, I don't have enough sleep.

When I open my eyes, I feel disappointed again because Jennie is not beside me. I immediately get up and plan to go outside my room because I badly need to see her, but before I go outside, I stop myself from walking because I can sense that there are changes inside my room.

I use slippers because there are prepared slippers on the floor. I am confused.

When my mind is fully in sync with what is happening, I am surprised that my room is already clean and all my things are organized. Then some things are not in the same position. It's all new in my eyes.

My clothes for today are already ironed, and they're hanging outside my closet.

I get curious, so I check inside my closet. Then I see my clothes organized according to their colors too.

I feel overwhelmed. Did Jennie do this? It is still early in the morning. Don't tell me she wakes up early just to clean my room and prepare my things for my classes today.

Fuck! She's so efficient.

I go outside my room. The whole house is already clean. I want to appreciate the surroundings, but I smell something nice. I go to the kitchen, and that's when I see her cooking. I am smiling because I thought she had left me. When she sees me, she smiles at me.

J: Good morning!

I did not answer her greeting, and I immediately hugged her so tight.

L: I thought you left me.

I am still hugging her. She is caressing my back. I feel calm.

J: Well, even though I want to, I just can't leave you alone here.

L: Why?

J: Because who will take care of you if I leave? You caused a mess in your house, Lisa. I just don't want you to be late again or be absent at school because you are cleaning your whole house all day.

I let go of my hug for her. Because I feel my heart is in a panic state after she said that.

I am just watching her finish what she's doing. She's very thoughtful.

She even prepared our breakfast.

J: Here's your food, but no coffee for today because it causes your brain to be more active.

Fuck, she even knows my needs. She's a very amazing woman.

L: But my wife, I don't usually eat in the morning.

J: I know, because you are always late to wake up, right? But that's not good for your health, Lisa. I will not let you do that again and again. And you know that breakfast is an important meal for the day. So eat now, finish all these. OK?

I don't really want to eat, but I need to appreciate her efforts. I start eating the food she prepares, and she looks happy that I am eating breakfast. She is smiling so wide, and she didn't let go of her eyes on me.

L: My wife, stop staring; you make my heart feel so flattered that I can't contain my hormones with your beautiful stares. I might lock you in my room for the whole day if you do not stop that.

J: I am staring at you because I am waiting for your comments on the taste of the food.

L: Really? Well, what do you think? Based on my reaction to this food.

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