April 27, 3008: A New Adventure Waits

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Today is going to be a great day, I thought to myself. That was until I opened my door to find Gandalf the gray staring down at me. He looked as if he was about to knock, but I had opened the door before he could. "Gandalf, what a surprise, what on Middle Earth are you doing here?" He hands me a rolled-up piece of parchment.

"I'm going on an adventure, and I think your magic will come in handy." (Well, I haven't been on an adventure in a while, so what the heck I'll go with him.) "Of course, I would love to accompany you on this journey. I need the experience anyway, but where are we going exactly?" I already started signing the parchment and gave it back to Gandalf. "Here come inside and you can tell me all about it while I pack." The first think Gandalf did was put my parchment in my bag.

He proceeds to explain how Thorin, son of Thrain, was going to try and reclaim the mountain of Erebor. There was going to be a company of thirteen dwarves, a hobbit, and himself. The hardest part about this trip is going to be defeating Smaug. Wait, defeating Smaug "Gandalf, you chose me because of the dragon, right? Or am I finally being recognized for my magic?" He looked bamboozled but sorry, to say the least.

"That is not the only reason, you are very strong and will be a great ally to have on our journey." I sighed, knowing he was right. "Well, I am ready to go if you are Gandalf." We both head out the door, Gandalf almost hitting his head on the door facing and towering over the railings securing the ramp down.

We were walking for a couple of days at most and made our way to the edge of the shire. I had not been here for ages since I made it a habit of not coming very often, the people were quite judgmental of those who were different, "Still as beautiful as ever."

We walked over to one of the hobbit holes and there was a hobbit sitting outside. The hobbit looks up at Gandalf "Good morning" he says. Gandalf replies with a very confusing statement "What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on? Hm?" The Hobbit is just as confused as I am. "All of them at once, I suppose." Gandalf finally got to the point of this "That remains to be seen. I'm looking for someone to share an adventure."

The hobbit looks almost frazzled "An adventure? No, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner. Heh, heh. Mm. Huh. Hmm. Oh. Ah. Good morning." He started walking towards his hobbit hole.

"To think that I should have lived to be "good morninged" by Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door." (Man if I knew how this was going to turn out I would have left.) "Beg your pardon?" The hobbit asks,

"You've changed, and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins." (Ah so his name is Bilbo Baggins, I'll be sure to remember that. Though it feels familiar) "I'm sorry, do I know you?" Gandalf replies "Well, you know my name, although you don't remember I belong to it. I'm Gandalf. And Gandalf means... ...me."

(Gandalf is so weird sometimes.) "Gandalf? Not Gandalf the wandering Wizard... ...who made such excellent fireworks? Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Heh, heh. Ahem. No idea you were still in business."

"And where else should I be?" (I don't know Gandalf, it's you, not me, how should we know where you should be?!) "Where else...? Ahem." (He's just as confused as I am) "Well, I'm pleased to find you remember something about me... even if it's only my fireworks. Yes. Well, that's decided. It'll be very good for you," Gandalf seemed to pause for a second "and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others."

(Now Bilbo must be confused, poor hobbit. Gandalf could have explained it better.) Bilbo looked frazzled at Gandalf's words "Inform the who? What? No, no, no, wait, We do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today, I suggest you try Over the Hill or Across the Water. Good morning."

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