May 27-29, 3008: Dress Up For The Royal Dinner

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"We've been waiting for your arrival, so we want to do something special!" "Oh, ladies you didn't have to." They just wave me off, trailing on about always wanting to dress up royalty. (Oh no) They lead me into a room and set me down in a chair. I'm in front of a mirror and I can see one maiden getting an outfit. "Oh no you don't have to, I'm sure you don't have anything that would fit me." They waved me off again "Nonsense it was custom made with you in mind" (they made me an outfit) It was beautiful, it was jade green with lighter accents. It also has a jade jewel clasp on the waist. The sleeves remind me of a thin, off-the-shoulder cape. "It's beautiful." "If you would like, we can run a quick bath." (Oh these are my favorite people right now) "Yes, thank you."

(Imagine the outfit however you like)

The bath was short but nice. One of the maidens even massaged my head as she washed it. The bath also smelled of lavender and honey. The Maidens leave me to get dressed and wait outside. I walk out in the outfit and their faces light up. "It looks incredible, Brethil/Ernil." I sit back on the chair and wait for them to do my hair. They smile and another maiden walks over and starts braiding small parts of my hair. Though I notice she makes sure to put back the front hairs to show off my pointed ears. "I'm finished, I can show you the way to the dining hall if you like." "Yes, that would be wonderful." The Maiden shows me out of the room and we start walking to the dining room.

I know we are getting closer because I can hear faint music softly playing.
We walk into the room and I can feel stares coming my way. "You look beautiful." "Thank you, Lindir." I make my way over to sit next to Kili and Fili, their faces dusted with light pink. "Kind of you to invite us. Not dressed for dinner. At least one of us is anyway," Gandalf says, making my checks tint slightly red. "Well you never are," Elrond chuckled. I can see Raja resting in the corner of the room with a small bone hanging from her jaws. Kenai is also curled up to her, gnawing on whatever the Elves fed him.

I continue to eat my salad, though I can see from the corner of my eye, Kili winking. I look up to see him winking at an Elf. "Can't say I fancy Elf maids myself. They're all high cheekbones and creamy skin. Not enough facial hair for me... although that one's not bad." He grinned, "That's not an Elf maid." Dwalin assured. I giggled at Kili's confusion, but what he said kinda hurt. About the way Elves look. (I know I'm half dwarf, but most of my looks come from my mother. The traits I got from my father were my height, round face, and I'll admit my legs and arms aren't the smoothest.) I guess Lindir picked up on my melancholy thoughts as he walked over to me and leaned down next to my ear.

"Do not listen to him Vana, he is just a simple-minded Dwarf." My face becomes tinted red, his voice sends a shiver down my spine. Though I couldn't help but awkwardly giggle at what was said about Kili. Speaking of Kili, I see him glance over at Lindir and me, his face gives a sour look. Though Lindir moves back to stand next to Lord Elrond and I notice a small slip of parchment folded into a heart shape sitting on my lap. The blush becomes more evident on my face as I hold the note in my hand. Unfolding it, it reads

"Dear Y/N, you look as ravishing as ever. It's been too long since we last spoke with one another. Though I remember it like yesterday. You came here with Luna the Lilac. You were still quite young and very shy. You may not even remember meeting me. I would like to spend more time with you while you are here. Meet me by the fountain after dinner." My face has to be as red as a tomato by now. I can see Kili trying to peek over my shoulder at the note. I quickly fold it back up and hold it away from him. "Come on, I'm curious, what does it say?" Kili asks. I just turned my head away from him "None of your business."

Kili pouts in defeat and leaves the conversation at that. I tune back into the people around me and hear Lord Elrond speak about the company. "Thirteen Dwarves, and two Halflings. Hm. Strange traveling companions, Gandalf." I see Nori and Bombur both start misbehaving at the table. Though Gandalf tries to come to their honor "These are the descendants of the house of Durin. They're noble, decent folk. And they're surprisingly cultured. They've got a deep love of the arts." Nori groans, "Change the tune, why don't ya? I feel like I'm at a funeral."

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