May 25-26, 3008: Stolen Horses...TROLLS!

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I help the dwarves pack up everything from the night before and soon we are on the road again. (I can't wait to get on the road again) Soon we were riding through the forest when the clouds decided to bless us with rain. (Great:/)

I point my hand toward a lower limb and you can see the f/c-colored magic flow from my fingers. I bring down the limb within my reach and pluck off a single leaf. I hold the stem in between my fingers and let my power surge through the leaf.

It then grows to the size where I can use it as an umbrella. The others look at me, some in shock, others with jealousy. Especially Kenai since he now looks like a drowned rat. Though I pull down two more leaves and grow them just as big as mine.

"Here, Kili, Fili." I hand them both a leaf umbrella and give them a genuine smile. "How can you be so happy about the rain?" Kili asks. "Well I just think the rain is soothing, plus it helps the nature around flourish." Dori looks back at us three and sees us with umbrellas, "here, Mr. Gandalf? Can't you do anything about the deluge?"

"It is raining master Dwarf. And it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another Wizard." (Geez Gandalf is always so mysterious. He could've just said he can't control the weather.) Bilbo then piped up "Are there any?" "What?" "Other Wizards?" Gandalf begins to list them

"There are technically Seven of us, but only six are recognized. The greatest of order is Saruman, The White. Then there are the two blue Wizards. Do you know I've quite forgotten their names?" "And who is the fifth and sixth?" Bilbo asks,

"Well that would be Radagast, The Brown, and Luna, The Lilac." Dori then questions "What about the other one, the one you said was not recognized?" Gandalf starts to say "Well that would be..." "That's me, Y/N The f/c!"

(F/c means favorite color if you didn't already know)

I interrupted. (Whoops...hehe) I just kinda smiled at the Dwarves awkwardly. Bilbo then pondered "Are Radagast and Luna great Wizards...or are they more like you two?" (I think Gandalf took that as a bit of an insult, I don't mind though. I think it would be an honor to be like Radagast or Master)

"I think Radagast is a very great Wizard in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forestlands to the East, and a good thing too.

For always evil will look for a way to get a foothold in this world. As for Luna, she also kept to herself up in the Misty Mountains. She is a very sweet, but forward lady. She mostly kept busy raising and teaching Y/N."

Bilbo then says "You were raised by Luna?" I look up at him. "Yep, like I said she taught me everything I know. Luna is basically my mother at this point." At this point, the conversation fades out as we continue riding through the rain.

Though it finally stops as we make our way toward a more open area. I hold my hands out for Kili and Fili's umbrella. They hand me both of the umbrellas and I use my magic to shrink them back to normal size. Letting the leaves go, they are whisked up into the wind.

We meet back up with the group as the two boys are done watching my magic. There was an old farmhouse on the brink of falling. "We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure nothing happens to them and that you stay with them. Oin, Gloin, get a fire going."

Thorin orders. I also go along with the two since I'm letting Raja stay with the ponies as some extra protection. Kenai was cuddling up to the fire trying to dry his fur. I look over at the two boys "I guess we'll be staying here tonight?"

They look a bit surprised at me standing there. "Oh yeah, but you don't have to as well. We can look after her if you want." Fili suggests "It's fine, I'd rather be with you guys anyway. Plus I'll take any excuse to sleep away from Bombur." I say giggling, the boys also let out a chuckle at their snoring friend.

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