July 8-9, 3008: A Run-In With The Devil

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Everyone around me starts running and I give a quick whistle before I do as well. (I know Raja didn't fall down with the Dwarves, so she must have stayed in the mountain.) I look behind to see an army of jet black Wargs charging down the hill at us. They made Raja look like a house dog compared to them.

Gandalf suddenly shouts "Up the trees quick!"

My eyes widen when a thought passes my mind, (sure that's a good idea, but what about Raja!?") I look back to see a whole Army with Azog at the front. Raja snorts to get my attention. She runs up to a tree and readies her haunches. She bucks me up off of her and onto a branch of a larch. It isn't very high so I quickly use the tree to make climbing rungs.

Dori Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin all find themselves quite comfortable in a large pine with branches sticking out like spokes in a wheel. Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin are in another. Dwalin and Balin are trying to find a good place to sit within the greenery of the top most boughs. Gandalf, who was a great deal taller than everyone, found himself a tree in which no one could climb.

It is a large pine standing at the edge of the glade. Gandalf was very hidden within its leaves. You could see nothing, but the gleam from his eyes reflecting from the moon.Poor Bilbo was like a rabbit. Scurrying from trunk to trunk trying to find one to climb.

I hear Nori say "You've left the burglar behind again!" Dori retorts, "I can't always carry him on my back. I am not some sort of porter." Thorin points out "He'll be eaten if we do nothing." The howling around us was getting closer. "Dori! Be quick and give Bilbo a hand." Dori then reaches his hand down to try and grab Bilbo. Bilbo however, could not reach.

I swirled my magic in between my hands and shot it towards the bough Dori was hanging off of. The branch secured his feet and allowed him to hang down and grab Bilbo. Once they were both up the branch undid itself. I suddenly remembered Raja was still down there.

Thankfully she finds a rock in the clearing. She uses jumping capabilities to scale to the top where the larger, heavier Wargs can not reach. They decide to sit around the rock to guard it. I look down my tree and notice the same things. Each tree that had the company in it was guarded by Wargs. In the middle of the glade sat a great circle of Wargs. In the middle a larger gray Warg. (He must be their leader or something like that.)

Since I was paying attention to the Wargs, I didn't even notice Gandalf start to throw large, blue, fiery pine cones at the Wargs down below. My hands suddenly feel warm when one lands there. I stare at it for a second when Kili grabs it and throws it for me. He looks over at me worried I got burned. My hands don't even have a scratch on them. (I didn't even notice I was beside anyone.) "Are you alright?" He asks gently.

"Hm yes I'm fine thank you." He seems a little confused on how I didn't get burnt but still kept throwing flaming pine cones. Everytime we would hit one in the back, its shaggy coat would catch a flame.They started yelping and jumping about all over the place. Gandalf even manages to hit the chief wolf right on the nose. He must have lept ten feet in the air. He even started snapping and biting at the other Wargs. A laugh escapes me, I don't know if it was from fear or if it was a genuine laugh. Most of them were rolling over trying to put out the fires on their backs. Others ran around catching more on fire.

Thankfully we got rid of over half of the Wargs. Some of the Dwarfs even started celebrating. (It's too early) Smoke suddenly reaches my nose. I look down to see the tree we are in catch fire. The tree started to crack and groan as it was going to fall.

Our tree starts tipping and all the Dwarves in it including me jump to the next one. We continue this till we are all in the last pine left. All the Dwarves including me had calmed down a bit as most of the Wargs were gone. I however forgot what my ears had picked up earlier. Black Speech. Orcs started to come out into the glade from the surrounding woods. Azog was in the middle leading them and they were atop MORE Wargs.

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