May 26-27, 3008: A Nasty Ole Stick Bug

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Thorin then shouts "Something's coming!" "Stay together! Hurry now! Arm yourselves!" Gandalf says. I pulled out my bow and notch an arrow, readying it to be shot. "Thieves! Fire! Murder!" Seeing who it was, I lower my bow and stick the arrow back into the quiver. "Radagast. It's Radagast the brown!" The Dwarves all lower their weapons looking at the short man covered in animal pelts. Gandair speaks to the short Wizard "What on Earth are you doing here." "I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong." "Yes?" Gandalf asks with curiosity while Radagast's face goes blank. "Just give me a minute." Radagasts puts his hand under his chin to think,

"Um...Oh! I had a thought and now I've lost it. It was right there, on the tip of my tongue! Oh! It's not a thought at all! It's a silly old...stick insect." Gandalf pulls the stick bug from Radagast's tongue. I scrunch my nose in disgust and turn away from the sight, (I cannot stand bugs! How did he not know it was in his mouth.) "Greenwood is sick, Gandalf. A darkness has fallen over it. Now nothing gross anymore, at least nothing good. The air stays foul with decay. But the worst part is the webs."

Gandalf looks concerned and so do I "Webs? What do you mean?" "Spiders, Gandalf. Giant ones. Some kind of spawn of Ungoliant, or I am not a Wizard. I followed their trail and they came from Dol Guldur." Radagast's answers. (Not spiders, why did it have to be spiders? *Internal crying*) "Dol Guldur? But the old fortress is abandoned." Radagast has a disheartened look in his eyes "No, Gandalf, it is not. A dark power dwells in there...such as I have never felt before. It is the shadow of an ancient horror. One that summons spirits...of the dead. I saw him, Gandalf. From out of the darkness...a Necromancer has come. Radagast. Quick! Quick, quick! Quick, quick! Wait for me! Sorry."

My eyes felt like they were going to roll from my skull (Huh? First there are giant spiders, now there is a Necromancer on the loose!?) Gandalf pulls some tobacco from his robe and puts it in his pipe. "Try a little old Toby. It'll help settle your nerves. In, and out." Gandalf helps Radagast breathe and calm down. "Now, the Necromancer. Are you sure?" Radagast pulls out what looks to be a sword wrapped in a light brown leather cloth. He hands it to Gandalf who starts unwrapping it. It was only tied with a few leather lashings.

"That is not from the world of the living, that I am sure." We hear a howl off in the distance, Raja perks up and comes to my side. "Was that a wolf? Are there...are there wolves out there?" Bilbo asks, panicking. "Wolves? No, that is not a wolf." Bofur answers, We hear a twig snap then a growl. A Warg jumped down off the cliff behind us, right where Bofur was standing. Thorin swiftly kills it with his ax and another appears behind him. "Kili!" Kili shoots the Warg with an arrow and Dwalin finishes it off. "Warg Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind!" Thorin warns, "Orc pack?" Gandalf got nervous "Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?" "No one." Thorin states, Gandalf being impatient "Who did you tell?!"

"No one, I swear! What in Durin's name is going on?" Gandalf puts on a serious expression "You are being hunted." Dwalin brings up "We have to get out of here." Ori then reminds us "We can't! We have no ponies. They bolted." Radagast looks up at Gandalf "I'll draw them off." Gandalf looks worried for his smaller friend. "These are Gundabad wargs. They will outrun you!" A smirk appears on Radagast's face. "These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try." (Yeah you tell em Radagast) Radagast gets on top of his sled, readying his rabbits. "Let these rabbits carry you far my friend." I say to him "Come and get me!" Radagast speeds off with the wargs behind him.

Gandalf says peeking out from behind the large boulder. "Come on." We move as quickly as we can going from behind the boulders. Trying our best to stay out of view from the Orcs. "Stay together," Gandalf tells us in a quiet voice as we almost cross paths with the Orc pack. We continue to run behind the rocks when Thorin suddenly stops the company when the hunting party comes into view. Ori takes a step backward. I reached out to him (No Ori!) "Move!" Thorin grabs him, pulling him out of sight from the Orc hunters. "Ori, no! Come back." Gandalf starts to push us. "All of you, come on, come on! Quick!" Suddenly Kili grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. "Where are you leading us?" Thorin asks Gandalf.

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