May 5, 3008: The Day Before Disaster

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(Short chapter, sorry)

I woke up feeling a little off and weirder than normal. I know it has to be getting closer to that time of the month. My stuff is sitting next to my sleeping roll. I roll up the bed and hook it back onto Raja's saddlebags. The company is all ready and packed to go on the road. I join them on Raja and I direct her next to Kili.

Thorin starts guiding his pony through the forest. "Hey, y/n?" I glance over to see Kili with a worried look on his face. "Yeah?" "Are you doing alright? You seem distracted." "Yeah, I'm just feeling a little off."

At that moment I see a reflection of light on the ground. I immediately dart my head towards it and follow the light with my eyes. Raja keeps walking with the ponies but I hop off to quickly pick up the small pebble. Kili chuckles at my antics "What are you doing?"

I look up at him as I put the pebble in a special leather pouch I made. "Well this rock is shiny and I like shiny so I take the rock." Kili starts laughing at what I said with a genuine smile on his face.

"That's adorable." My face becomes red with embarrassment and I turn away. I walk quickly next to Bilbo and whistle for Raja to follow. The ride continues as we trek through the different landscapes. My pouch was getting quite heavy as I continued to pick up rocks along the way if I found them neat or shiny.

My instincts were getting worse as the hours rolled on. I noticed the sun was starting to lower on the horizon and I immediately rode next to Gandalf. "Um Gandalf, what am I to do for tonight?" I whisper to the man on a horse.

He looks down at me with a confused look "Whatever are you talking about?" I palm my face and whisper a little sharply "It's a full moon tonight!" His eyes widened in realization "Oh yes I'm sorry, why don't you and Raja go hunting tonight?"

Thorin overhears, "What are you talking about? We have plenty of provisions?" I try to think of a quick lie, "Yes but I'm running low and things for Raja specifically. I don't want to end up feeding her our food instead." He signs, "Fine, but make sure to not get lost and meet back with the company."

The sun was now setting and I could feel my body start to sweat. I whistle for Kenai to join Raja and me. He hops down from Kili's lap and jumps into my satchel. I ride off into the forest to the left of the company.

The sun will only last a few minutes longer so I haven't got much time to put space between the company and me.

May 6-7, 3008: The Full Moon Arises

I can feel scales start to form on my skin as they harden. My nails are growing exponentially and becoming hard as steel. My vision becomes a lot better as I can see everything around me. I push myself off of Raja and am laying on the ground.

I look up and see the moon come over the horizon. Finally, I hear the fabric from my outfit rip as my tail grows through it. I dig my nails into the dirt and claw. I let out a roar-like scream and Kenai comes over and sniffs my face. Everything starts becoming a bit dark and my vision seems to fade away.

I feel my body slipping in and out of consciousness as my eyes feel very heavy. I force myself awake and notice I am on top of a cliff facing the sky. The sun is starting to rise over the horizon. I sit up and remember the night before.

The last thing I remember is Kenai sniffing my face. My outfit is torn and covered in what I think is blood and dirt. I whistle for Raja and she comes up from behind me. I can see a couple of animals piled up behind her. The only thing salvageable is a deer carcass. I took the meat from it and wrapped it to keep it from spoiling quickly.

I look down to see a small stream (perfect). I grab my stuff from Raja and grow a root I point my hands towards the streams and grow a root down the cliff. I slide down to the stream and jump in. Soaking my clothes completely. I strip off the outer layers and scrub the grime and blood from my skin and under my nails.

Raja pads over and I grab another garment from her bags. I get dressed and climb on top of Raja. Kenai comes trotting from the stream with a fish in his mouth. "Alright Raja, let's find the guys." She sniffs the air and starts running through the trees. I look back to see Kenai hauling behind her keeping a hold of his fish.

We come to a hilled area and below I can see the company. I go to wave to Kili, but I realize Raja isn't slowing down as she approaches the edge. My face changes to fear as she jumps right off the edge.

I let out a scream and cling tight to her back. Kenai followed suit and jumped as well. It wasn't a long fall but when she hit the ground I had to catch Kenai. She continues running and meets up with the company. "I didn't think you were going to make it." Thorin says and I look at him

"What the jump or through the night?" I say with sarcasm. I ride over to Kili and Fili. Their eyes seem to have stars in them as they are filled with excitement. "That was awesome!" Fili exclaims. "That wasn't part of the plan was it?" Kili asks.

-953 Words

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